2008年6月7日 星期六

monomaniac, run after sb/sth, turnpike, mixed blessing

As Peter Drucker said, “Whenever you see something getting done, you fi nd a ‘monomaniac’ with a mission.” Every single business needs a dedicated champion ...
Still, I understand that public opinion is split on whether to allot precious class hours to teaching English, or rather concentrate more on Japanese language education.
I just hope this issue will not end up as a case of "running after two hares and catching neither."
--The Asahi Shimbun, May 30 (IHT/Asahi: May 31,2008)

"I'm empty and aching and I don't know
why"/Counting the cars on the New Jersey
Turnpike/And they've all come to look for America……


noun [C] (INFORMAL pikeUS
a motorway which you usually have to pay to use:
the New Jersey TurnpikeWikipedia article "New Jersey Turnpike".


【史】通行料取立て門; 有料高速道路.

mixed blessing noun [S]
something that has advantages and disadvantages:
Getting into the team is a mixed blessing - it's good to have the place, but I'll have to spend a lot of time training.

run after sb/sth (CHASE) phrasal verb
to chase someone or something that is moving away from you:
Why do dogs run after cats?
She ran after me to hand me some papers I'd dropped.

noun [C or U]
when someone is too interested in one thing

adjective, noun ━━ n. 凝り屋; 偏執狂の人.

His interest in personal fitness borders on the monomaniacal.
