2008年6月7日 星期六

long, long-time, apportion blame to, Embarks on Farewell Tour

Leaders Trade Insults and Apportion Blame at Food Summit

There was no shortage of acrimony at the two-day UN conference in Rome on
the threats posed by rising food costs. Participants attacked the obese,
protectionism, biofuels and two leaders many felt shouldn't attend.

The DW-WORLD Article

11.06. - George Bush Embarks on Farewell Tour of Europe

Europe will be welcoming a new US President next year, but will it have an
effect on trans-atlantic trade ties?

The DW-WORLD Article

adjective [before noun]
describes someone who has been in a particular position for a long period:
A long-time friend of the chairman said she had expected the resignation.

long was found in the Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary at the entries listed below.


━━ vi. 乗船する; 飛行機に乗り込む ((on)); 船出する ((for)); (事業に)乗り出す ((on, upon)).
━━ vt. 船に乗せる; 従事させる ((in, on)); 投資する.
 em・bar・ka・tion ━━ n. 乗船, 搭乗; 貨物の積み込み; 積み荷; 着手 ((on, upon)).
 embarkation card 出国カード.


━━ int., a., n. さようなら; 告別の(あいさつ).
 bid [say] … farewell / bid [say] farewell to … …に別れを告げる.

verb [T] FORMAL
to give or share out, especially blame or money among several people or things:
When we know how much is profit, then we can apportion the money among/between us.
The investigation into the air crash would inevitably apportion blame to certain members of the crew.
