2008年6月16日 星期一

Let There Be Light, bank on sb/sth

Let There Be Light

Could the solar revolution set rural Ethiopia on the path to
sustainability? One German organisation is banking on it!

The DW-WORLD Article

Let There Be Light

Could the solar revolution set rural Ethiopia on the path to
sustainability? One German organisation is banking on it!

The DW-WORLD Article

"Let There Be Light " 為聖經 創世紀(Genesis:Chapter 13



3And God said: Be light made. And light was made.


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bank on sb/sth phrasal verb
to expect something or depend on something happening:
Can I bank on your support?
[+ ing form of verb] I wouldn't bank on him being there.
"Do you think she'll come?" "I wouldn't bank on it".
I'd banked on getting a pay rise this year.
