2008年6月22日 星期日

keep the change

真敢社講座之講座計畫主持人 卡洛玲子 敬邀書上 偶爾有:「費用:社員250非社員400依例歡迎扔下大鈔喊「免找」!」


話說昔日. "Leonid Pasternak". Wikipedia article "Leonid Pasternak". )一家多英才,譬如說兒子詩人Boris比父親更有名(著『齊瓦哥醫生等』),我看過他哥哥亞歷山大的回憶錄(英文)

Leonid 1921年離開俄國,1945年客死牛津。


最有趣的是她的先生「害怕失去他的安寧空間」,這樣說(寫/譯):「我期望著一位沒有膀胱的百萬富翁前來靜靜地參觀,他不用廁所,願意花一根金條購買風景明信片,還說,『不用再找了!』。」【大陸滥翻譯本【牛津:歷史和文化】 182頁】


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change (MONEY) Show phonetics
verb [T]
to get or give money in exchange for money, either because you want it in smaller units, or because you want the same value in foreign money:
Could you change a £10 note (for two fives), please?
Could you change a £5 note for me?
I need to change my dollars for/into English money.

change Show phonetics
noun [U]
1 money which is coins rather than notes:
She gave me £5 in change.
My dad always used to carry a lot of loose/small change (= coins) in his pocket.

2 smaller units of money given in exchange for larger units of the same amount:
Have you got change for a twenty-dollar bill?

3 the money which is returned to someone who has paid for something which costs less than the amount that they gave:
I think you've given me the wrong change.

(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)
