2007年9月14日 星期五

mix your spirits with spirituality!

Have a drink in a Christian pub - El Pecore in Milan

Italy is historically a Catholic country but one which is becoming increasingly secular. In today's modern globalized world, the rules and rituals of traditional religious life are losing popularity, especially in the north of the country where even shopping centres are now open on Sundays.

In the heart of Brera - one of the chicest areas in Milan, full of restaurants and bars - the Sabaoth Evangelist community has decided Italians need something more enticing than Sunday morning church services to bring them closer to God. So they've opened Italy's first Christian pub - a place where you can mix your spirits with spirituality!
chic PhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhonetic Hide phonetics
stylish and fashionable:
I like your haircut - it's very chic.
a chic restaurant

chic PhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhonetic Hide phonetics
noun [U]
British politicians are not renowned for their chic.

(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)

spirit ━━ n. (人の)精神, 気持ち; 霊魂; (the S-) 霊体 ((神・天使など)); 聖霊; 幽霊, 悪魔; (人の精神面たる)生気; 元気; (pl.) 気分, きげん; (精神面から見た)人, 人物; (人々の)気風,時代精神; (立法)精神; (時にpl.アルコール, (強い)酒; アルコール溶液.

━━ n. 霊性.

