2007年9月14日 星期五

Keep loose clothing clear of steps and sides.

丁丁飆英文 本月 指出捷運大話英文
Keep loose clothing clear of steps and sides.

The Elevator Escalator Safety Foundation

Grasp the handrail as you step promptly onto the moving step. Keep loose clothing clear of steps and sides. When riding escalators: ...
www.eesf.org/ESC_TIPS.HTM - 6k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this

Otis Worldwide | Escalator Safety

Grasp the handrail as you step promptly onto the moving step or walkway. •, Keep loose clothing clear of steps and sides. ...


不過這clear 其實是相當困難的
我們必須一字一用法來學習它 (我們介紹過它 請search它)

clear (NOT TOUCHING) Show phonetics
not touching something, or away from something:
Only one competitor made a clear jump of the highest fence (= jumped over it without touching it).
When we're clear of the main road, we'll stop for our picnic.

clear Show phonetics
not touching, or away from:
Stand clear of the doors, please.
Make sure you park clear of the kerb.
The children were saved from the fire only because a neighbour pulled them clear.

clearance Show phonetics
noun [C or U]
the distance or space that is needed for one thing to avoid touching another thing:
It was difficult getting the piano through the doorway because we only had a clearance of a few centimetres.
High vehicles must take an alternative route because of low clearance under the bridge.

clear Show phonetics
verb [T]
to jump or go over something without touching it:
The horse cleared the fence with inches to spare.

(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)
