2007年9月2日 星期日

asinine, make a fool of yourself, initial public offering (IPO)

新聞0824 2007
The initial public offering VMware, the year's best so far, was a bright spot amid gloomy market conditions. But MarketWatch notes that some analysts think that the virtualization software maker's stock, which has already soared more than 150 percent, may be burning too hot, too fast.

"Failure is unimportant. It takes courage to make a fool of yourself." — Charlie Chaplin

...based on the asinine assumptions

  1. extremely stupid or foolish.
    "Lydia ignored his asinine remark"
  2. an asinine comment

  1. Utterly stupid or silly: asinine behavior.
  2. Of, relating to, or resembling an ass.
[Latin asinīnus, of an ass, from asinus, ass.]
adj. - 驢的, 愚鈍的, 驢子似的, 頑固的

adj. - 愚かな, 頑固な

make a fool of yourself
to do something that makes other people think you are silly or not to be respected:
I got a bit drunk and made a fool of myself.

make a fool of sb
to trick someone or make them appear stupid in some way

initial (BEGINNING)
adjective [before noun]
of or at the beginning:
My initial surprise was soon replaced by delight.
Initial reports say that seven people have died, though this has not yet been confirmed.

at the beginning:
Initially, most people approved of the new scheme.
The damage was far more serious than initially believed.
initial public offering (IPO) 公司股票上市
( 路透東京電---日本經濟新聞周日報導,電子業大廠Sony<6758>金融部門下個月將掛牌上市,計畫募資約3,000億日圓(26億美元),這將成為日本今年最大的公開發行案.
Sony曾表示,最早將在本會計年度,將旗下負責管理集團線上金融及保險事業的Sony Financial Holdings股票公開上市.媒體先前也曾報導掛牌時間將在今年秋季.
報導指出,Sony Financial發行將由野村證券和摩根大通證券負責,Sony Financial市價將約達1兆日圓.
日本經濟新聞稱,Sony計畫在Sony Financial下月初於東京證交所主板掛牌前,出售Sony Financial約30%的持股,並利用該筆收入強化其核心電子事業.報導指出Sony Financial也將發行新股.
--編譯 張若琪;審校 蔡美珍 0903 2007)

virtualization 請search 本站或quality world
bright spark noun [C]
UK a person who is lively and intelligent

2 HUMOROUS a stupid person:
Some bright spark left the door open overnight.
