2007年9月6日 星期四

The arrest warrant issued for a fund-raiser

The arrest warrant issued for Norman Hsu, who skipped a California court hearing, is the latest twist in the Democratic fund-raiser's rise from bankruptcy to the top echelons of political finance.

(warrant (DOCUMENT) Show phonetics
noun [C]
an official document, signed by a judge or other person in authority, which gives the police permission to search someone's home, arrest a person or take some other action:
a search warrant
Judge La Riva had issued an arrest warrant/a warrant for his arrest.
echelon Show phonetics
noun [C]
1 a particular level or group of people within an organization such as an army or company:
These salary increases will affect only the highest echelons of local government.
the upper echelons of society )

《華爾街日報》等報道,成衣富商徐諾曼(Norman Hsu)兩年來疑透過加州包姓華裔家族,向希拉里捐款四萬五千美元。但媒體追查後發現,他竟然是加州通緝逃犯---1992年曾經因為詐欺罪遭起訴卻未到案,加州政府因此發出通緝令。
