去年的數據顯示﹐如果東南亞國家聯盟(Association of Southeast Asian Nations, 簡稱﹕東盟)的五大交易所合併﹐則會締造出全球第15大交易所﹐其規模在亞洲將僅次於東京和香港股市﹐位列第三。致力於聯合東盟經濟的2015年遠景規劃(Vision 2015)為東盟國家進一步合併資本市場、乃至各國交易所創造了一個良機。不過前路仍可謂障礙重重。
某些組織或公司在mission statement 組織、企業使命、目的書. 將某組織、企業的使命或目的、宗旨綜合而以「目的-手段-成果」等方式書寫出的大綱。又稱為Mandate(命令(書),指令(書))。這之前,還有願景說明書(vision statement),其方式略似 mission statement.這兩者都可以提醒相關的人的其決策是否與既定的目的和價值觀一致,”…and we’ve had to have the courage to say they didn’t fit our vision and mission statement,” says the COO.
這「願景說明書(vision statement)」,是廣為台灣接受的翻譯。(願景)是約1990出版的學習型組織{第五項修煉 }中楊教授的創新翻譯法,它從佛教的「願」出發。
A Definition of Vision in a dictionary:一般說的視力【Silver教授 created a corrective lens that contains a fluid, so can be adjusted to fix almost any visional issue.】; 'An Image of the future we seek to create'. 遠景【商業遠景令人難過/難堪:the business vision might not be so easy to swallow。技術遠景:...president and co-CEO of Research In Motion, hosts an innovation-themed, invitation-only "Vision Series" session in the Waterloo (Ont.)-based company's 100-seat auditorium】,
參考宗教上意思:Vision與我所不知道的譯人:周士良。William Butler Yeats, Irish Poet and Playwright, Dies at 73 (Jan. 30, 1939)
Yates的書A Vision (1925),大陸翻譯成{幻象} (北京:作家出版社,2006),這是不怎麼恰當的翻譯。
又譬如說,Google 公司創業的願景之一就是"全世界的電子資訊都可以統一處理"。或者在20世紀初的「無遠弗屆的電話」(AT&T)、20世紀下半葉的「anytime/anyplace/any……」。
有種領導人是有特異能力藉其生意/事業之願景來領導的,我們稱這種人為visionary leader,譬如說,. Ritz-Carlton旅館連鎖的主管取得2次美國國家品質獎,他選為年度的 Lean Six Sigma CEO of the Year for his vision and leadership in initiating Lean Six Sigma...quality. Under his charismatic leadership and vision, won an unprecedented two Malcolm...
職稱:John Cachat, Chairman and Chief Vision Officer,
Organizations sometimes summarize goals and objectives into a mission statement and / or a vision statement:
A vision statement describes in graphic terms where the goal-setters want to see themselves in the future. It may describe how they see events unfolding over 10 or 20 years if everything goes exactly as hoped.
- A definition of Mission in a dictionary: purpose, reason for being; also, an inner calling to pursue an activity or perform a service.
Many people mistake vision statement for mission statement. The Vision describes a future identity and the Mission describes how it will be achieved. A Mission statement may define the purpose or broader goal for being in existence or in the business. It serves as an ongoing guide without time frame. The mission can remain the same for decades if crafted well. Vision is more specific in terms of objective and future state. Vision is related to some form of achievement if successful.
For example, "We help transport goods and people efficiently and cost effectively without damaging environment" is a mission statement. Ford's brief but powerful slogan "Quality is Job 1" could count as a mission statement. "We will be one amongst the top three transporters of goods and people in North America by 2010" is a vision statement. It is very concrete and unambiguous goal.
這是yahoo! answer的問答
What is 20/70 vision?
Its a measure of you visual acuity. 20/20 vision means you are seeing at 20 feet what a person with normal vision would see at 20 feet, and your vision is perfect. 20/70 means that what you are seeing at 20 feet is what a person with normal vision would see at 70 feet. The higher the second number, the worse your vision. Example a person with normal 20/20 vision can read a clock on a wall 20 feet away, but for you that same clock looks like it's 70 feet away and is unreadable.
Low Vision
Low vision is the loss of sight that is not correctible with prescription eyeglasses, contact lenses, or surgery. This type of vision loss does not include complete blindness, because there is still some sight and it can sometimes be improved with the use of visual aids.
Low vision includes different degrees of sight loss, from blind spots, poor night vision, and problems with glare to an almost complete loss of sight. The American Optometric Association defines low vision as two categories:
"Partially sighted": the person has visual acuity between 20/70 and 20/200 with conventional prescription lenses.
"Legally blind": the person has visual acuity no better than 20/200 with conventional correction and/or a restricted field of vision less than 20 degrees wide.
The ratio measurement of vision describes visual acuity, or the sharpness of vision, at 20 feet from an object. For example, having 20/70 vision means that you must be at 20 feet to see what a person with normal vision can see at 70 feet.
Anyone can be affected by low vision because it results from a variety of conditions and injuries. Because of age-related disorders like macular degeneration, glaucoma, and cataracts, low vision is more common in adults over age 45, and even more common in adults over age 75. For example, one in six adults over age 45 has low vision; one in four adults over age 75 has low vision.
The most common types of low vision include:
Loss of central vision: There is a blind spot in the center of one’s vision.
Loss of peripheral (side) vision: Inability to see anything to either side, above or below eye level. Central vision, however remains intact.
Night blindness: The inability to see in poorly lit areas such as a theater, as well as outside at night
Blurred vision: Objects both near and far appear out of focus.
Hazy vision: The entire field of vision appears to be covered with a film or glare.
What causes low vision?
There may be one or more causes of low vision. These are usually the result of disorders or injuries affecting the eye or a disorder such as diabetes that affects the entire body. Some of the most common causes of low vision include age-related macular degeneration, diabetes, and cataracts. Low vision may also result from cancer of the eye, albinism, or a brain injury. If you have these disorders or are at risk for them, you are also at greater risk for low vision.
How is low vision diagnosed?
An eye exam by your eye care specialist can diagnose low vision. You should make an appointment with your eye doctor if your vision difficulties are preventing you from daily activities like travel, cooking, work, and school. The tests the eye doctor will perform include the use of lighting, magnifiers, and special charts to help test visual acuity, depth perception, and visual field.
Can low vision be treated?
Some sight disorders, like diabetic retinopathy, can be treated to restore or maintain vision. When this is not possible, low vision is permanent. However, many people with low vision find visual aids helpful. Popular low vision aids include:
Telescopic glasses
Lenses that filter light
Magnifying glasses
Hand magnifiers
Closed-circuit television
Reading prisms
Non-optical aids designed for people with low vision are also very helpful. Some popular non-optical devices include:
Text reading software
Check guides
High contrast clocks and watches
Talking watches and clocks
Large print publications
Clocks, phones, and watches with enlarged numbers
Visual aids improve both sight and the quality of life for many people. Talk to your doctor about where to purchase visual aids.
Can low vision be prevented?
Low vision may be preventable for patients with diabetes and reversible for those whose vision loss is caused by cataracts.