2015年2月24日 星期二

redhead, shocker, distracted, glade, freshen

Turns out this is the 21st century, and we have the technology. Finally, racially diverse emoji for all! No redheads.
As Fujimi’s monks welcome anyone to their daily prayers, and also host retreats and tours, curiosity rather than any religious conviction drew me to the monastery’s cluster of brick buildings set in a quiet glade not far from Fujimi Station.

Benoit Tessier/Reuters

Visitors at the Musée d’Orsay in Paris view Manet’s “Déjeuner sur l’Herbe.” Parisians first encountered the painting around the time it was notoriously rejected from the annual Salon in 1863.

PARIS — Before I do my Torquemada routine, let’s begin on a positive note with an all-time favorite, that gorgeous redhead in the woods. She’s a shocker, even now, stark naked and turned to meet our gaze, at ease beside those two stiff, fully dressed men at a picnic. Something seems to have distracted her outside the picture’s frame, our arrival maybe, or something behind us; it’s hard to tell. Her look has cracked the wall between her and us. She’s in our space.

Victorine Meurent was her now familiar name. Parisians, encountering the painting — Édouard Manet’s “Déjeuner sur l’Herbe” — around the time it was notoriously rejected from the annual Salon here in 1863 might well have known her firsthand or could have recognized her as the Kate Moss of the Paris art world. In any case, many of them would have registered the allusion to Giorgione’s picnic scene, except that Manet replaced pastoral poetry with a modern-dress farce, its focus drifting purposely in and out. The sketchy glade, the still life of fruit and bread and that second woman bent over a stream in the background, occupying some vague nowhere place, freshening herself up as if before sex or perhaps just afterward: it’s all a puzzle. Like modern life.

Chinese personal-computer giant Lenovo Group Ltd. says its unprofitable smartphone business will become an engine for its growth. But some analysts think the company should concentrate on its PC business, instead of getting distracted by smartphones.

redheadLine breaks: red|head
Pronunciation: /ˈrɛdhɛd 

Definition of redhead in English:


1A person with reddish hair.
2North American diving duck with a reddish-brown head, related to and resembling the pochard.
  • Aythya americana, family Anatidae

(dĭ-străkt') pronunciation
tr.v., -tract·ed, -tract·ing, -tracts.
  1. To cause to turn away from the original focus of attention or interest; divert.
  2. To pull in conflicting emotional directions; unsettle.
[Middle English distracten, from Latin distrahere, distract-, to pull away : dis-, apart; see dis- + trahere, to draw.]
distractibility dis·tract'i·bil'i·ty n.
distractible dis·tract'i·ble adj.
distractingly dis·tract'ing·ly adv.
distractive dis·trac'tive adj. 


 an open space in a wood or forest: a forest glade
glades of birch
  1. An open space in a forest.
  2. An everglade.
[Middle English, perhaps from glad, bright and shining. See glad1.]
1 ((文))林間の空地.
2 ((米))=everglade 1.=[名]1 ((米南部))沼沢地, 低湿地.
2 ((the Everglades))((単数扱い))エバグレーズ湿地:米国Florida州の大湿地帯;その南部は国立公園.


1 …を新しく[新鮮に]する;…をさっぱりさせる((up))
freshen oneself up
2 ((米))〈アルコール飲料などを〉入れ直す;〈からのグラスに〉酒をつぐ.
3 …を淡水化する, …から塩分を抜く.
1 新しく[新鮮に]なる;生き生きする;(洗顔や着替えで)さっぱりする((up)).
2 〈風が〉強くなる;〈天気が〉すがすがしくなる((up)).
3 (水から)塩分が抜ける.
4 〈雌牛が〉子を産む;〈雌牛が〉乳を出し始める.
