2015年2月11日 星期三

workhouse, scare, on doctor's orders, scarecrow, threadbare

“The first experience of prison for a child was to be forced to strip and reveal their bodies to an unknown adult. Can you imagine the humiliation, the sense of powerlessness?”

Children’s rights campaigner Carolyne Willow was sent away aged four....

Sir Tom Jones performing at Newbury racecourse on 13 AugustSinger Tom Jones has health scare

Singer Sir Tom Jones is admitted to hospital in Monaco after calling off a concert on doctor's orders, but his aides deny press reports of a heart scare.

(skâr) pronunciation

v., scared, scar·ing, scares. v.tr.
To strike with sudden fear; alarm. See synonyms at frighten.

To become frightened: a child who scares easily.

  1. A condition or sensation of sudden fear.
  2. A general state of alarm; a panic: a bomb scare that necessitated evacuating the building.
Serving or intended to frighten people: scare stories; scare tactics.

phrasal verb:
scare up Informal.
  1. To gather or prepare with considerable effort or ingenuity: managed to scare up some folding chairs for the unexpected crowd.
[Middle English skerren, scaren, from Old Norse skirra, from skjarr, timid.]
scarer scar'er n.


Pronunciation: /ˈskɛːkrəʊ/
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 胡適日記1933.12.28 說周作人提議採用古人翻譯為"安山子"並撰一文說明
 胡適日記全集 -
此慷可兑著者之籍跋。其所范燕子情状,是很好的勤物心理想察。我在廿镣年前曾凝静 Scarecrow 』侗字,格不能满意。周作人先生貌古人名震「安山子, ,曾作短文希之。
胡適翻譯為"驚鴉"   這是讀"驚燕"筆記得的靈感...
這些文人想法都沒傳世: 現在台灣稱之為"稻草人"不知誰的翻譯  日本早有他們的稱呼無漢字


  • an object made to resemble a human figure, set up to scare birds away from a field where crops are growing.
  • informal a person who is very badly dressed, odd-looking, or thin: a gaunt little scarecrow in threadbare workhouse clothes she has reduced herself to a scarecrow [as modifier]:scarecrow tatters
  • archaic an object of baseless fear.


thréad • bàre
1 〈織物・服が〉すり切れた, 着古した.
2 〈人が〉すり切れた服を着た;みすぼらしい(shabby);あわれな.
3 〈議論・冗談などが〉陳腐な, 古くさい, ありふれた.
4 貧弱な, お粗末な
a threadbare existence

Line breaks: work|house
Pronunciation: /ˈwəːkhaʊs 

Definition of workhouse in English:


1historical (In the UK) a public institution in which thedestitute of a parish received board and lodging in return for work.
2US prison in which petty offenders are expected to work.
