2015年2月18日 星期三

skunk, skunkweed, "Skunk works" or "skunkworks"

One former user describes why more people should be aware that cannabis isn't always benign and cheerful...

DRIVEN by the pressure to innovate, companies facing major technological change have wholeheartedly embraced management gurus’ advice on how to develop creative, breakthrough products. As a result, corporate America is flush with incubators, skunk works and innovation silos.

"Skunk works" or "skunkworks" is widely used in business, engineering, and technical fields to describe a group within an organization given a high degree of autonomy and unhampered by bureaucracy, tasked with working on advanced or secret projects.

skunkweedLine breaks: skunk|weed
Pronunciation: /skʌŋkwiːd 

Definition of skunkweed in English:


Cannabis of a variety which has a high concentrationof narcotic agents.
skunkLine breaks: skunk
Pronunciation: /skʌŋk 

Definition of skunk in English:


1cat-sized American mammal of the weasel family, with distinctive black-and-white striped fur. Whenthreatened it squirts a fine spray of foul-smellingirritant liquid from its anal glands towards its attacker.
  • Mephitis and other genera, family Mustelidae: several species, in particular the striped skunk (M. mephitis)
1.1[MASS NOUN] The fur of the skunk.
1.2informal contemptible person:he’d run up a massive phone bill and hadn’t paid—the skunk
2informal short for skunkweed.


[WITH OBJECT] North American informalBack to top  
1Defeat (someone) overwhelmingly in a game orcontest, especially by preventing them from scoring at all:knew he was a good fisherman, but I didn’t expecthim to skunk you
2dated Fail to pay (a bill or creditor):he made a practice of skunking hotels


mid 17th century: from Abnaki segankw; variants occur in many other American Indian dialects.
