2020年9月18日 星期五

bong, marijuana smokers should not share joints

Bill Graham Presents

A friendly Public Service Announcement for those Stoners still among us!

Let's stay Safe if at all possible! ....

a a pipe used for smoking the drug marijuana, that uses water to make the smoke cooler


Line breaks: joint
Pronunciation: /dʒɔɪnt /


1A point at which parts of an artificial structure are joined:seal the joint between the roof and the house wall

1.1A particular arrangement of parts of a structure at the point where they are joined:members connected together by rigid joints

1.2Geology A break or fracture in a mass of rock, with no relative displacement of the parts.

1.3A piece of flexible material forming the hinge of a book cover.
2A structure in the human or animal body at which two parts of the skeleton are fitted together:she suffers from stiff joints and finds bending difficult
2.1  Each of the distinct sections of a body or limb between the places at which they are connected:
the top two joints of his index finger

2.2British A large piece of meat cooked whole or ready for cooking:joint of ham

2.3The part of a stem of a plant from which a leaf or branch grows:cut just below a leaf joint

2.4A section of a plant stem between two joints; an internode.

3INFORMAL An establishment of a specified kind, especially one where people meet for eating, drinking, or entertainment: 專業店a burger joint...held in Niagara Falls, the honeymoon capital, a setting of fierce natural beauty pimpled with fast food joints and tawdry motels.
3.1 (the jointNorth American Prison.
4  INFORMAL A cannabis cigarette:

Peace, love but no sharing.
To avoid spreading the #coronavirus, marijuana smokers should not share joints - advice from US cannabis industry.


he rolled a joint

5chiefly BLACK SLANG A piece of creative work, especially a film or piece of music:listen to one of his joints nowadays and you don’t even need to see the production credit


1Shared, held, or made by two or more people together:a joint statement
1.1 Sharing in a position, achievement, or activity:
a joint winner

1.2Law Applied or regarded together. Often contrasted with several.


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1Provide or fasten (something) with joints:(as adjective jointedjointed lever arms
1.1 Fill up the joints of (masonry or brickwork) with mortar; point.

1.2Prepare (a board) for being joined to another by planing its edge.

2Cut (the body of an animal) into joints for cooking:use a sharp knife to joint the bird


Middle English: from Old French, past participle ofjoindre 'to join' (see join).


out of joint

(Of a joint of the body) out of position; dislocated:he put his hip out of joint
In a state of disorder or disorientation:time was thrown completely out of joint


