2020年9月20日 星期日

sidelight, in no uncertain terms


Geneva, Switzerland, April, 1954: Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai (then spelled Chou En-Lai) waits at curbside after a session of the East-West talks on the situation in Indochina. The Geneva conference was held at a time when the French were on the verge of defeat in Vietnam; another meeting in July resulted in the division of Vietnam into northern and southern portions. Zhou's relationship with U.S. Secretary of State John Foster Dulles was a sidelight of the conference; Dulles refused to meet with Zhou, in no uncertain terms. Eighteen years later, when President Richard Nixon went to China, he warmly shook hands with Zhou in what was regarded by some as a response to Dulles' earlier snub.

瑞士日內瓦,1954年4月:在關於印度支那局勢的東西方會談之後,中國國務院總理周恩來(當時的拼寫為Chou En-Lai)在路邊等著。 日內瓦會議是在法國人即將在越南失敗的時候舉行的。 7月的另一次會議導致越南分為北部和南部。 周與美國國務卿約翰·福斯特·杜勒斯(John Foster Dulles)的關係是這次會議的一個有啟發意義的側面故事。 杜勒斯毫不動搖地拒絕與周會晤。 

十八年後,美國總統尼克松(Richard Nixon)來到中國時,他熱情地與周恩來握手,有人認為這是對杜勒斯(Dulles)早先冷淡的回應。

sidelight noun [C] (INFORMATION)

piece of extra information that helps you understand something in a slightly new way
What he said threw/cast an interesting sidelight on what had happened.他所說的話,對已經發生的事情來說是一個有趣的側面消息。
in no uncertain terms
  1. clearly and forcefully.
    "she has already refused me, in no uncertain terms"
