2020年9月12日 星期六

spout, spout off, puzzle jug, gaga, crazy, sill, window ledge, windowsill, a fluent spouter of bulls***,

Gary Marcus and Ernest Davis: "It’s a fluent spouter of bulls***, but even with 175 billion parameters and 450 gigabytes of input data, it’s not a reliable interpreter of the world."

GPT-3, Bloviator: OpenAI’s language generator has no idea what it’s talking about

Despite all the truth-squadding, politicians keep spouting falsehoods, and Americans keep believing them.

Voters' minds are stubborn, and politicians habitually spout falsehoods. That doesn't mean fact-checking is a failure, though.

5 July 2015
From the sectionSuffolk
Charles Koch sounds a lot like an ordinary voter when he bemoans what he said is a lack of substance and civility in the 2016 White House race. Except, of course, Mr. Koch is no ordinary voter.

Charles Koch, who presides over a network of major conservative donors,…

Gruenfeld demurred, suggesting her own vision of how their triangle should end. “I’m thinking more like you and I stroll off into the sunset looking gaga, and he has to live with a mountain of shame and regret.”

Carrie Willis took on the project to repair the jug as part of her conservation technician training

The mother of a little boy who accidentally smashed an 18th Century jug has said the family is "thrilled" it has been repaired.

Staff at Ipswich's Christchurch Mansion appealed for him to get in touch, so they could tell him the jug he knocked off a window ledge was now fixed.

A puzzle jug has three spouts - so users have to guess from which water will pour
她便以“Gaga”为其早期的艺名,而后再演变成“Lady Gaga”,其意为“狂热小姐”。

"All of these ads and debates are just so negative.You think you have your mind made up, and then there is craziness and more craziness."
KATHY MATASAVAGE, an undecided voter in South Carolina.
However, windowsill and window ledge are showed as being synonyms on allwords.com:

My late father was an architect - his drawings had sills on the outside of the buildings.
Both Chambers and the Oxford Concise dictionaries just say that a sill is at the bottom of a door or window and do not mention whither it points.
Collins says "inside a room".
Chambers has the single word windowsill as inside or outside, (and it gives windowsill as the definition of window ledge) the OCD has it as two words window sill and doesn't mention in or out (and it too says window sill is the definition of window ledge).


('') pronunciation
adj. Informal
  1. Silly; crazy.
  2. Completely absorbed, infatuated, or excited: They were gaga over the rock group's new album.
  3. Senile; doddering.
[French, old fool, gaga, of imitative origin.]

  1. 1.
    a tube or lip projecting from a container, through which liquid can be poured.
    "a teapot with a chipped spout"
  2. 2.
    a stream of liquid issuing from somewhere with great force.
    "the tall spouts of geysers"
  1. 1.
    send out (liquid) forcibly in a stream.
    "volcanoes spouted ash and lava"
  2. 2.
    express (one's views or ideas) in a lengthy, declamatory, and unreflecting way.
    "he was spouting platitudes about our furry friends"

spout off

 (about someone or something)
1. to brag or boast about someone or something. Stop spouting off about Tom. Nobody could be that good! Alice is spouting off abouther new car.
2. to speak out publicly about someone or something; to reveal information publicly about someone or something. wish you wouldn'tspout off about my family affairs in public. There is no point in spouting off about this problem.
See also: offspout
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

spout off

1. To speak continuously and tediously: dread spending an evening with my cousins and listening to them spout off about their lastvacation.
2. To utter something that is long-winded and tedious: I'd hoped for a simple answer, but the mechanic spouted off a technical 
explanation that confused me even more. The tour guides have to memorize the speech until they can spout it off without effort.
See also: offspout

[形](-zi・er, -zi・est)((略式))

1 〈人が〉(…のために)気が狂った((from, with ...))

He was nearly crazy with worry.


Are you crazy ?


2 〈人・行動が〉まともでない, 無分別な;〈計画が〉実行不可能な

a crazy idea


It was crazy of you to do that.


3 いらいらする

Turn the radio down, it's driving me crazy.

ラジオのボリュームを下げてくれ. いらいらする.

4 〈人が〉(…に)熱中した, 夢中になった((about, over ...));(…が)ほしくてたまらない((for ...))

be crazy about [over] a girl


I was crazy for a car.


5 風変わりな, 奇異な.

6 ((俗))すばらしい, すてきな, 申し分のない;〈ジャズなどが〉熱狂的な.

7 〈船・建物が〉壊れそうな;ぐらぐらの.

8 〈舗道・布団などが〉不規則な模様の.

be (as) crazy as a loon [a coot, a bedbug]


like crazy

((俗))ものすごい勢いで, 猛烈に;ひどく.

━━[名](複-zies)((米略式))変わり者, 変人;精神病患者;狂言者.





