2020年2月5日 星期三

irrespective, ungovernable, illiberal progress, Information is conveyed

Information is conveyed at about the same pace in most languages, irrespective of how fast they are spoken

Maximilien Robespierre invoked Rousseau; Joseph Stalin invoked Marx; and Adolf Hitler invoked Nietzsche. But these prophets of illiberal progress can help us to define what liberalism is—and what it is not
The prophets of illiberal progress
Terrible things have been done in their name

Wealthy nations are becoming ungovernable. What does that mean?

Are Western democracies becoming ungovernable?
Politicians sometimes say so, but mean different things in different countries

Rousseau's idea that the majority should gets its way, irrespective of interests of minorities, has become the new Tory orthodoxy

Poetry in Japan is universal as the air. It is felt by everybody. It is read by everybody. It is composed by almost everybody,--irrespective of class and condition. Nor is it thus ubiquitous in the mental atmosphere only: it is everywhere to be heard by the ear, and seen by the eye!".......1921年5月10日《小說月報》第十二卷第五號刊登了周作人的長篇論文〈日本的詩歌〉。他系統地介紹了日本詩歌的諸種形式,長歌、短歌、旋頭歌、連歌、俳句、川柳。這在中國恐怕還是第一次。論文的一開頭,他引用了小泉八雲《靈的日本》中的一段話19
這是" Bits of Poetry "的一節。周作人直譯做「詩片」。周的譯文省略了" irrespective of class and condition"、" Nor is it thus ubiquitous in the mental atmosphere only "兩句,扼要地概述了小泉八雲的原文....."

Poetry in Japan is universal as the air. It is felt by everybody. It is read by everybody. It is composed by almost everybody,--irrespective of class and condition. Nor is it thus ubiquitous in the mental atmosphere only: it is everywhere to be heard by the ear, and seen by the eye!".......1921年5月10日《小說月報》第十二卷第五號刊登了周作人的長篇論文〈日本的詩歌〉。他系統地介紹了日本詩歌的諸種形式,長歌、短歌、旋頭歌、連歌、俳句、川柳。這在中國恐怕還是第一次。論文的一開頭,他引用了小泉八雲《靈的日本》中的一段話19
這是" Bits of Poetry "的一節。周作人直譯做「詩片」。周的譯文省略了" irrespective of class and condition"、" Nor is it thus ubiquitous in the mental atmosphere only "兩句,扼要地概述了小泉八雲的原文....."
Nevertheless, because we are bestowed with the privilege and responsibility of educating California's youth, we do not have the luxury, even during these difficult economic times, to take a defensive posture. We must do the honorable thing of bringing about greater improvements irrespective of the circumstances. As modern management guru Peter Drucker said, "We need gains." 


without considering; not needing to allow for:

The legislation must be applied irrespective of someone's ethnic origins.
