#中國對台態度非常一致這是之前 SARS 後, 台灣在 WHA 要申請以觀查員的身份入會時, 中共與台灣記者的應答.. 你們看看, 多麼的惡劣!! MLChen 稱呼這段影片叫做 : 誰理妳們

China Sucks
Meanwhile, the daily Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung is quoting government sources as saying that the German economy could contract by 3.0 percent or more next year. This would constitute the worst recession in German postwar history.
The Wall Street Journal reported that McCain was thinking about taking Palin to the U.N. General Assembly next week so she can shake hands with some heads of state. You can’t contract foreign policy experience like a rhinovirus. To paraphrase the sniffly Adelaide in “Guys and Dolls,” a poy-son could develop a cold war.
鼻病毒的研究现状Present status of studies on rhinovirus-作者:李军 ...
鼻病毒(Rhinovirus, RhV)是引起人类病毒性呼吸道感染的最常见病原体,自从1956年Pelon 用组织培养的方法分离出第1株RhV后,先后从感冒患者中分离出多种细胞株,至今鉴定RhV ...suck (BE BAD)
I'm sorry, but for as good as Google is at organizing the world's data, Google News absolutely sucks. Now, to be fair, I'm going to focus on Google News from a tech news perspective, because that's what I follow. Maybe it's better in other areas, but I doubt it's much better. I bring this up because a new update to the service today promised "More ways to see the story." Okay, that's true, as long as you don't mind seeing stories that range from partially unrelated to entirely unrelated.
How to Handle 'IHateYourCompany.com'
Some Firms Buy Up
Negative Domain Names
To Avert 'Gripe Sites'
Negative Domain Names
To Avert 'Gripe Sites'
September 5, 2008; Page B5
September 5, 2008; Page B5
In recent years, disgruntled consumers have launched hundreds of Web sites to air their grievances -- from starbucked.com and ihatestarbucks.com to boycottwalmart.org and againstthewal.com.
Are companies fighting back? A new study finds that some have been much more aggressive than others. Xerox, for example, has bought or registered about 20 unflattering domain names, including xeroxstinks.com, xeroxcorporationsucks.com and ihatexerox.net. But other companies, such as Dell, have taken a more hands-off approach. DellisEvil.com, MyDellSux.com and IHateDell.info are for sale, but the computer maker says it has no interest in buying them. (Those sites currently host no content.)
I'm sorry, but for as good as Google is at organizing the world's data, Google News absolutely sucks. Now, to be fair, I'm going to focus on Google News from a tech news perspective, because that's what I follow. Maybe it's better in other areas, but I doubt it's much better. I bring this up because a new update to the service today promised "More ways to see the story." Okay, that's true, as long as you don't mind seeing stories that range from partially unrelated to entirely unrelated.
Suck at life1. (adj) To be naturally unlucky. To suffer constant misfortune.
2. (v.) To make a decision which seems to be innocent, but actually leads to undesired consequences and often catastrophic misfortune.
adj: Bobby, who sucks at life, tripped and landed on the rusty, AIDS infected syringe.
v: Brian sucked at life when he made the decision to invest all of his money in Enron right before the huge scandal.
suck (BE BAD) Show phonetics2. (v.) To make a decision which seems to be innocent, but actually leads to undesired consequences and often catastrophic misfortune.
v: Brian sucked at life when he made the decision to invest all of his money in Enron right before the huge scandal.
If someone or something sucks, they are bad or unpleasant:
Man, this job sucks!
While my brother was sick, I had to do all of his chores and it sucked.
"Suck" is generally an AE slang term meaning "is no good".
━━ vt. 吸う; しゃぶる; 吸込む ((in, down, under)); (水・知識などを)吸収する ((in, out of)); (利益を)得る ((from, out of)); 〔卑〕 フェラチオをする ((off)).
━━ vi. 吸う; すする ((at)); 乳を吸う; (ポンプが)吸うような音をたてる; 〔米俗〕 全く取るに足りない.

━━ n. (乳を)吸うこと[音]; ひと吸い; 吸引力.

sucking pig まだ乳離れしない子豚.

contract 此處雙關
contract (SHORTEN)
verb [I or T]
to make or become shorter or narrower or generally smaller:
In spoken English, 'do not' often contracts to 'don't.'
As it cooled, the metal contracted.
describes body tissue that is able to contract, or something that causes this to happen
1 [U] when something becomes smaller or shorter:
Cold causes contraction of the metal.
The contraction of this muscle raises the lower arm.
2 [C] one of the very strong and usually painful movements of the muscles in the womb that help to push the baby out of the mother's body during the process of birth:
She was having regular strong contractions every four minutes.
3 [C] a shortened form of a word or combination of words which is often used instead of the full form in spoken English:
'Won't' is a contraction of 'will not'.
(snĭf'əl) intr.v., -fled, -fling, -fles.- To breathe audibly through a runny or congested nose.
- To weep or whimper lightly with spasmodic congestion of the nose.
- The act or sound of sniffling.
- sniffles A condition, such as a head cold, accompanied by congestion of the nose. Used with the.
[Frequentative of SNIFF.]
sniffler snif'fler n.sniffly snif'fly (snĭf'ə-lē, snĭf'lē) adj.
1 [I or T] to smell something by taking air in through your nose:
He sniffed his socks to see if they needed washing.
Dogs love sniffing each other.
She sniffed at her glass of wine before tasting it.
Dogs are sometimes used at airports to sniff out (= find by smelling) drugs in people's luggage.
He was expelled from school for sniffing glue (= taking in the gas from glue because of the feelings of pleasure that this gives).
2 [I] to take air in quickly through your nose, usually to stop the liquid inside the nose from flowing out:
You were sniffing a lot - I presumed you had a cold.
3 [T] to speak in an unpleasant way, showing that you have a low opinion of something:
[+ speech] "They didn't even serve wine at dinner!" she sniffed.
sniff Show phonetics
noun [C]
a quick breath in through the nose to smell something, or to stop liquid in the nose from coming out:
Have a sniff of this medicine - it smells revolting, doesn't it?
"I don't think much of that idea, " she said with a sniff (= an expression of a low opinion).
noun [C]
someone who sniffs chemicals for the feelings of pleasure it causes:
a glue/paint sniffer.
adjective INFORMAL
showing disapproval and a low opinion:
She's a bit sniffy about my taste in music.poyn.
[OF. apui, apoi, a support, prop., staff, F. appui, fr. OF. apuier, apoier, to support, F. appuyer, fr. à to (L. ad) + OF. pui, poi, a rising ground, hill, L. podium. See
1. A support; -- used in composition; as, teapoy.
2. A ropedancer's balancing pole. Johnson.
3. A long boat hook by which barges are propelled against the stream. [Prov. Eng.] Halliwell.
poy-son 疑與 poison 有關(因 同 英國俄國最近間諜謀殺案)