2019年2月2日 星期六

walk-up, high-rise apartment blocks

Houses, walk-ups or high-rise apartment blocks?

Definition of walk-up. (Entry 1 of 2) 1 : located above the ground floor in a building with no elevator a walk-up apartment. 2 : consisting of several stories and having no elevator a walk-up tenement. 3 : designed to allow pedestrians to be served without entering a building the walk-up window of a bank.
  1. ((米略式))
  2. 1 〔限定〕〈部屋・アパートなどが〉エレベーターのない
  3. 2 すぐに歩いて行ける
  4. 3 〈運賃が〉当日の
  1. 1エレベーターのない建物[アパート];その部屋
  2. 2《競馬》ラインぎりぎりからの出発
