BREAKING NEWS: Actor George Kennedy, star of films like "Cool Hand Luke” and “The Dirty Dozen” dies age 91, grandson tells CNN.
BREAKING NEWS: Actor George Kennedy, star of films like "Cool Hand Luke” and “The Dirty Dozen” dies age 91, grandson tells CNN.
Taiwan fears 'brawn drain'
The News International
But while Taiwan was basking in her glory, Hsieh's father, Hsieh Tze-lung, caused shock when he said his daughter may give up her Taiwanese citizenship to represent China in exchange for an annual $1.63 million sponsorship deal offered by a Chinese ...
Airbus Expects Military Albatross to Finally Take Wing
Airbus believes its A400M military transport is on the verge of switching to a marketing asset, despite falling four years behind schedule and billions of euros over budget.
A 1934 article in Newsweek describes him as one of the most imposing figures in banking history. In the November 1994 issue of Worth magazine, in an interview with James Grant, editor of a financial newsletter, Baker is described as the hidebound turn-of-the-century banker who always got his loans repaid and was one of Grant's heroes.
Being Tracked by Google Isn't Bad—It's Actually Good
By Mathew Ingram on March 05, 2012 An ocean of outrage erupted recently over Google's new privacy policy, which went into effect on Thursday: The European Union is protesting the changes, the Electronic Frontier Foundation is recommending that users ...
A Family's Billions, Artfully Sheltered
Ronald S. Lauder, an heir to the Estée Lauder fortune, uses an aggressive tax strategy to preserve holdings that Forbes magazine says make him the world's 362nd wealthiest person.
albatross 大海鳥信天翁 比喻讓你做事不順、大負擔等
About 8:30 a.m. on May 2, 1961, the Albatross was gliding through a slight mist in calm seas 180 miles west of Key West on the way to Nassau. Suddenly, a single bolt of lightning flashed across the sky, and a blast of wind smacked the ship.
"It was as if a giant hand took hold of us," Mr. Sheldon said in a 1996 interview with People magazine. "In 15 seconds the Albatross was on its side. In 60 seconds it filled
with water. And then it was gone the ocean was calm."
Nonetheless, pension liabilities are another albatross for Ford's stock.
A regulated business often lead to bureaucracy and a hidebound corporate culture. When the business is set loose to compete on its own, those traits become an albatrossthat must be shaken off for a company to stay on top.
More broadly, they may tap the antiregulatory mood to paint the GOP as captive supporters of unregulated corporate power. "Obviously, that's the bigger political game here--to tie the Enron albatross around the necks of Republicans who believe that government should be less involved in markets," says Jerry Taylor, an environmental expert at the Cato Institute, a free-market think tank in Washington.
The word albatross has appeared in 55 Times articles over the past year, most recently in "Controversy Over Diamonds Made Into Virtue by De Beers," on August 22, 2000.
LONDON, Aug. 21 _ A little over a year ago, De Beers, the mining colossus straddling the world's diamond trade, confronted double jeopardy. Human rights groups were accusing it of buying illicit diamonds from African rebels and rulers who used the proceeds to help pay for their wars. The essential mystique of its product, nurtured over decades of artful image-building and brawny cartel management, seemed threatened by association with these so-called blood diamonds.
At the same time, De Beers, a South African-based multinational corporation, faced a pure business challenge: the company's huge accumulation of raw gems, used to help control the supply and keep world diamond prices high, had become a costly albatross . De Beers's shrinking share of the market was making it harder to support prices by sopping up gems itself.
Pronunciation: /brɔːn/
Translate brawn | into Italian
[ mass noun]
Definition of brawn noun
Middle English: from Old French braon 'fleshy part of the leg', of Germanic origin; related to German Braten 'roast meat'
- レベル:社会人必須
- 発音記号[ɑ'ːrtfəl]
[形]こうかつな;巧妙な, 器用な, うまい
an artful pun
an artful fellow
[副]巧妙に;じょうずに, 器用に.
- 発音記号[óuʃən]
1 ((the 〜))大洋, 海洋;海
go swimming in the ocean
2 ((the O-))…洋
the Atlantic [the Pacific] Ocean
3 広大な広がり;((しばしば〜s))((略式))莫大(ばくだい)な量
an ocean of wheat [confusion]
oceans of beer
4 ((形容詞的))大洋の, 海洋の
[もとはギリシャ語Ōkeanós(大地の周囲をめぐる大河. のち大洋の神の名前となる)]
an ocean chart
an ocean liner
an ocean floor
1 〈人が〉偏狭な, 頑固な, 偏屈な;ひどく保守的な.
2 〈家畜が〉骨と皮ばかりの.