2019年2月5日 星期二

recourse, credulity, incredulity, human comedy, anapest, perspicacious

Most of Donald Trump’s State of the Union speech was filled with the familiar demagoguery and big talk—but the Democrats, for the first time, had some recourse.



A Dud of a State of the Union Speech by Trump

'Doesn't make sense': incredulity as Trump's lawyer seeks to take blame for Flynn tweet

John Dowd claimed it was the first and last time he would craft a tweet for…THEGUARDIAN.COM

  Brandt familiarized himself with Eugène Atget’s monumental ode to Paris and was deeply influenced by Brassaï, the Hungarian-born photographer whose 1933 book, “Paris by Night,” as one critic put it, portrayed the “late-night human comedy with a technical and documentary precision unknown before his time.”布蘭特研習了尤金·阿傑(Eugène Atget)讚美巴黎的不朽之作,布拉薩伊(Brassaï)對他產生了很深的影響,一位評論家曾說,這位匈牙利裔攝影師在1933年發表的書《夜晚的巴 黎》(Paris by Night)在“描畫這一出深夜裡的人間喜劇時,無論技術還是紀實都表現出了前所未有的精確性。”

Comedy is a game played to throw reflections upon social life, and it deals with human nature in the drawing-room of civilized men and women, where we have no dust of the struggling outer world, no mire, no violent crashes, to make the correctness of the representation convincing. Credulity is not wooed through the impressionable senses; nor have we recourse to the small circular glow of the watchmaker's eye to raise in bright relief minutest grains of evidence for the routing of incredulity.

human comedy
La Comédie humaine (French pronunciation: ​[la kɔmedi ymɛn], The Human Comedy) is the title of Honoré de Balzac's (1799–1850) multi-volume collection of ...

 incredulity,anapest, perspicacious
 China is home to 60 of the world’s 100 tallest buildings now under construction. But the skyward aspirations of Changsha, the capital of Hunan province, have inspired incredulity tinged with hostility.

The Roads to Sata, written in 1985 by Alan Booth (1946-1993), tells the story of his journey, on foot, from Cape Soya in Hokkaidō, the northernmost point of Japan, to Sata, the southernmost point of Japan. Booth's journey lasted 128 days and covered 2,000 miles. The book was originally published by John Weatherhill Inc in 1985, but was republished by Kodansha Globe in 1997 in paperback.

The Roads to Sata - Google Books - [ 翻譯這個網頁 ] 讀進


(pûr'spĭ-kā'shəs) pronunciation
Having or showing penetrating mental discernment; clear-sighted. See synonyms at shrewd.

[From Latin perspicāx, perspicāc-, from perspicere, to look through. See perspective.]
perspicaciously per'spi·ca'cious·ly adv.
perspicaciousness per'spi·ca'cious·ness n.

(ĭn'krĭ-dū'lĭ-tē, -dyū'-) pronunciation
The state or quality of being incredulous; disbelief.
The state of being unwilling or unable to believe something.
‘he stared down the street in incredulity’

also an·a·paest (ăn'ə-pĕst') pronunciation
  1. A metrical foot composed of two short syllables followed by one long one, as in the word seventeen.
  2. A line of verse using this meter; for example, "'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house" (Clement Clarke Moore).
[Latin anapaestus, from Greek anapaistos : ana-, ana- + paiein, pais-, to strike (so called because an anapest is a reversed dactyl).]
anapestic an'a·pes'tic adj.

  1. The act or an instance of turning or applying to a person or thing for aid or security: have recourse to the courts.
  2. One that is turned or applied to for aid or security: His only recourse was the police.
  3. Law. The right to demand payment from the endorser of a commercial paper when the first party liable fails to pay.
[Middle English recours, from Old French, from Latin recursus, a running back, from past participle of recurrere, to run back : re-, re- + currere, to run.]

1 [U](援助・保護を求めて)(…に)頼ること((to ...))
have recourse to ...
…に頼る, 助けを求める
She can read a French novel without recourse to the dictionary.
2 頼みとされる人[物], 頼みの綱.
3 [U](手形・小切手などの)償還請求(権)
without recourse
[古フランス語←後ラテン語recursus (re-後ろへ+currere走る+-sus=戻ること→頼ること). △RECUR, CURRENT
