2019年2月23日 星期六

ecstasy, ecstatic, rapture, bliss

Maxfield Parrish (1870-1966) "Ecstasy", for the large 1930 Edison Mazda calendar

Learn about The Haçienda, Ram Records, the Amen Break and the ecstasy wars.

Some poets suffer into truth; others get there by a less tortured path. Horace, the Roman poet of the late first century B.C., was one of the latter. He knew neither the agony of passionate love, like his predecessor Catullus, nor the ecstasy of revelation, like Lucretius. He never strove for a magnum opus, as did his close friend Virgil, preferring short, exquisitely crafted works in a variety of genres. 

This is Ecstasy: This profound love, this sudden mind rush that has you absolutely floored. You "open" your eyes and look around, surrounded by friends you ...
ecstasy :神魂超拔;出神狀態;身外境界:指人與天主非比尋常的結合,為宗教神秘經驗之一;因熱愛天主,人的感官功能暫時停止,心神游於物外之狀態;又稱 rapture 


  1. Extreme happiness; ecstasy.
  2. The ecstasy of salvation; spiritual joy.
phrasal verb:
bliss out Slang.
  1. To go into a state of ecstasy.
[Middle English blisse, from Old English bliss, from blīths, from blīthe, joyful. See blithe.]
blissful bliss'ful adj.
blissfully bliss'ful·ly adv.
blissfulness bliss'ful·ness n.

1 無上の喜び, 至福
in married [wedded] bliss
2 《神学》天上の喜び;天国, 楽園.
bliss out
[古英語blīths(blīthe幸福な+-s名詞語尾). △BLITHE


  1. Marked by or expressing ecstasy.
  2. Being in a state of ecstasy; joyful or enraptured.
[French extatique, from Greek ekstatikos, from ekstasis, distraction. See ecstasy.]
ecstatically ec·stat'i·cal·ly adv.
