2019年2月6日 星期三

batty, sport, exercise, whistle-stop, BASE jumping

足球的英雄與英雄崇拜,比棒球大太多了,也大於美式足球,甚至高於籃球。然而,足球卻是民主化最高的歐洲的最受歡迎sport,有趣啊。誰來教我這裡面的sport心理學?又:覺得sport 和exercise 都翻譯成「運動」,不宜。
I love sport, I hate exercise .
Equestrians’ Deaths Spread Unease in Sport
Darren Chiachia and Better i Do It jumping a brush fence. There is a fierce debate over whether risks involved with the equestrian discipline known as eventing are too great.

A colony of book-protecting bats lives in Portugal's historic Joanina Library. Best not to ask the librarians about them.

Designed by architect and former Naval lieutenant Colin St John ‘Sandy’ Wilson, here’s a whistle-stop tour of some of the building’s architectural features. Take a look at the captions to find out more.

BASE jumping, also sometimes written as B.A.S.E. jumping, is parachuting or wingsuit flying from a fixed structure or cliff. "BASE" is an acronym that stands for four categories of fixed objects from which one can jump: building, antenna, span, and earth (cliff).

adjective [ADJECTIVE noun]
If someone, especially a politiciangoes on a whistle-stop tour, they visit a lot of different places in a short time.
Bertie Ahern will host a working dinner for Tony Blair tonight as he jets into Dublin on a whistle-stop tour of E.U. capitals.

  1. mad; insane.

    "you'll drive me batty!"

plural noun: sports
  1. 1.
    an activity involving physical exertion and skill in which an individual or team competes against another or others for entertainment.
    "team sports such as soccer and rugby"
    synonyms:(competitive) game(s), physical recreation, physical activity, physical exercise;
    "he takes part in a variety of sports"
  2. 2.
    a person who behaves in a good or specified way in response to teasing, defeat, or a similarly trying situation.
    "go on, be a sport!"
3rd person present: sports
  1. 1.
    wear or display (a distinctive item).
    "he was sporting a huge handlebar moustache"
    synonyms:weardisplayexhibit, have on show, show off, flourishparadeflaunt
    "he sported a gardenia in his buttonhole"
  2. 2.
    play in a lively, energetic way.
    "the children sported in the water"
    synonyms:play, have fun, amuse oneself, entertain oneself, enjoy oneself, divert oneself, frolicgambolfriskrompcavortcaperMore
Sport (UK) or sports (US) are all forms of usually competitive physical activitywhich,[1] through casual or organised participation, aim to use, maintain or improve physical ability and skills while providing entertainment to participants, and in some cases, spectators.[2] Usually the contest or game is between two sides, each attempting to exceed the other. Some sports allow a tie game; others provide tie-breaking methods, to ensure one winner and one loser. A number of such two-sided contests may be arranged in a tournament producing a champion. Manysports leagues make an annual champion by arranging games in a regular sports season, followed in some cases by playoffs. Hundreds of sports exist, from those between single contestants, through to those with hundreds of simultaneous participants, either in teams or competing as individuals. In certain sports such asracing, many contestants may compete, each against all with one winner.
Sport is generally recognised as activities which are based in physical athleticism or physical dexterity, with the largest major competitions such as the Olympic Games admitting only sports meeting this definition,[3] and other organisations such as the Council of Europe using definitions precluding activities without a physical element from classification as sports.[2] However, a number of competitive, but non-physical, activities claim recognition as mind sports. The International Olympic Committee (through ARISF) recognises both chess and bridge as bona fide sports, and SportAccord, the international sports federation association, recognises five non-physical sports,[4][5] although limits the number of mind games which can be admitted as sports.[1]


美容体操 beauty exercises; 〔米〕calisthenics.
n. - 徒手体操法, 徒手体操
n. pl. - 柔軟體操, 運動
n. - 柔軟體操, 運動

  1. 1運動,体操;(知的)訓練,修練
    • bending exercises
    • 屈伸運動
    • give the students exercise
    • 学生を訓練する
  2. 2((しばしば exercises)) けいこ,練習,実習;(軍隊の)演習,教練
    • vocal exercises
    • 発声練習
    • field exercise
    • 野戦演習
  3. 類語
    exercise 心身の鍛錬・訓練・練習・けいこなどを意味する一般語.
    drill 一定の訓練を厳しく繰り返し行うことで,指導者の下で集団で行うことが多い
    practice 整然と秩序立てて行うけいこで,技能の熟達を図り,さらに上達するために繰り返し行うことが多い
  4. 3((通例 the exercise)) (精神・能力・注意力などを)働かせること,(…の)運用,使用;(影響力などを)及ぼすこと;(職権の)行使;(徳の)実践((of ...))
    • Caution demands the exercise of foresight.
    • 用心するには洞察力を働かせなくてはならない.
  5. 4(…の)練習問題,課題;(課題による)勉強,学習;練習曲((in ...))
    • do [or work atone's exercises
    • 課題を勉強する;練習曲を弾く.
  6. 5(芸術・知的活動などでの)営為,試行;習作,試作
  7. 6((しばしば exercises)) ((米)) 式,式典,儀式,(学位)授与式;式次第
  8. 7宗教的儀式,礼拝,勤行
  9. 8((exercises)) 修業課程:学位取得のための学術的討論や口頭試問など.
  10. 9((米)) 〔軍事〕 レーダー陽動観測:敵陣営のレーダー網に偽電波を送り,相手の反応を見ること.
━━ [他動詞]
  1. 1〈人を〉運動[体操]させる,訓練する,教練する;〈人に〉軍事訓練を施す;〈人に〉(…を)練習させる((in ...));〈犬・馬を〉運動[散歩]させる;〈手足を〉動かす
    • exercise one's arms [fingers]
    • 腕[指]を動かす
    • exercise girls in volleyball
    • 少女たちにバレーボールの練習をさせる
    • exercise the voice
    • 発声練習をする
    • exercise troops
    • 軍隊を訓練する
    • exercise a horse
    • 馬を調教する.
  2. 2〈力・能力・知力などを〉働かす,発揮する,用いる
  3. 3((文語)) 〈権力・権利などを〉行使する,振るう
  4. 4〈機能・職務・役目などを〉果たす,遂行する;〈善行などを〉行う
    • exercise a function
    • 機能を果たす
  5. 5〈影響などを〉(…に)及ぼす,与える((onover ...))
    • She relied on them to exercise a calming influence.
    • 彼女は彼らがなだめてくれることを当てにしていた.
  6. 6((受身または再帰的)) ((文語)) (…について)心配する,悩む,気になる((aboutoverby ...))
  7. 7…をレーダー陽動観測する.
━━ [自動詞]
  1. 1練習[けいこ]する,運動[体操]する,鍛える
    • It's time to exercise.
    • けいこの時間です.
  2. 2宗教儀式に参列する,礼拝[勤行]する.
  3. 3レーダー陽動観測する.
  4. 4((廃)) 職務を遂行する.


  1. exercise the ferret
    • ((豪俗)) 〈男が〉セックスをする.
c1390.中期英語(名詞)<中期フランス語 exercice<ラテン語 exercitium=exercit(us) (exercēre「訓練する」の過去分詞)+-ium 名詞接尾辞;exercit(us)=exEX-1+-ercit- (arcēre「制止する」の連結形の語幹)
