2018年12月25日 星期二

cred, street credibility, filter bubble

Kristen Hartke/NPR

Gingerbread Cred: Bakers Craft Winning Edible Art Down To The Last Detail

Tiny working gingerbread clock gears, meticulously hand-painted playing cards, scenes that tell stories — all comes into play at the annual National Gingerbread House Competition in North Carolina.

A phenomenon called "filter bubble", in which algorithms limit the information people encounter online, may be growing in Japan.

filter bubble – a term coined by Internet activist Eli Pariser – is a state of intellectual isolation that allegedly can result from personalized searches when a website algorithm selectively guesses what information a user would like to see based on information about the user, such as location, past click-behavior ...

過濾氣泡英語:filter bubble同溫層、個人化資料過濾[1]、篩選小圈圈)是一種網站針對個人化搜尋而提供篩選後內容的結果。網站內嵌的演算法會透過使用者的地區、先前活動紀錄或是搜尋結果來給予使用者想要的或是觀點一致的結果。這種結果可能會導致使用者越來越看不到他們不同意的觀點或資訊,使得認知過於單向,並處於他們的文化、意識形態氣泡之中。
主要的例子為Google的個人化搜尋結果以及Facebook的個人化動態消息、亞馬遜Netflix的過濾性推薦系統。這個詞彙被網路活動者Eli Pariser提出。



  • ‘a few tales here and there could wreck my cred completely!’
    another term for street credibility

street credibility
mass noun
  • Acceptability among fashionable young urban people.
    ‘the Liverpudlian is to use his street credibility to try to get the anti-vandalism message across to schoolchildren’
