Reviewed by CLARE CLARK
Julianna Baggott's dystopian novel stratifies survivors of the apocalypse.
Op-Ed: Uncle Ray’s Dystopia
Ray Bradbury didn’t just extrapolate the evolution of gadgetry; he foresaw how it would stunt and deform our psyches.
LOS ANGELES — For those who find consolation in visionary architecture, this city has always been a powerful antidepressant. Its wealth of 20th-century treasures, mostly private homes, reminds us that it is possible to find quiet corners of enlightenment in dystopian times.
noun [C or U]
(the idea of) a perfect society in which everyone works well with each other and is happy
a utopian vision
utopian aims
utopian (烏托邦) 的相反字為 dystopian,
France takes aim at the burqa
France is moving closer to banning the full Islamic veil in publicbuildings and transport. A parliamentary report released this weekrecommended as much.
The DW-WORLD Article
Sarkozy Says Burqas Are Unwelcome in France
Sarkozy lashed out at the practice of wearing the Muslim burqa in the first presidential address in 136 years to a joint session of France's Parliament.
不過遇有新知 還有該收
"......麥克米倫詞典(hc加筆: Macmillan English Dictionary for Advanced Learners 頁末有英文導覽)新版總共增加了2766個新字詞,例如:yummy mummy(摩登辣媽)、cameraphone(照相手機)、picture messaging(手機圖像傳輸)、banner ad(網站廣告條幅)、dystopia(敵托邦:一個與烏托邦相反的,生活條件極差的社會)、boutique hotel(精品酒店)、bling bling (珠光寶氣、閃亮華麗、絢麗行頭)、coach party(巴士旅行團,比方日本人氣節目「戀愛巴士」,可不是指教練們的派對)、panic buying(瘋狂搶購)、jink(閃身、閃開)。
還有biogas(沼氣)、greenwash(事實上不環保的廠商,做表面工夫維持環保形象)、antivirus(防毒軟體)、big up(放大)、 binge drinking(狂飲)、 bioweapon(生化武器)、 bipolar disorder(雙極人格失常,例如躁鬱症)、bird flu(禽流感)、 burqa(回教女性罩住全身與臉的罩袍)、
Chip and Pin(刷卡及密碼)、 downloadable(可下載的電腦檔案)、 emotional intelligence(情緒智商)、 file-sharing(網上資源共享)、 fit (當 sexually attractive,也就是性吸引力解釋)、 iPod、 revenue stream(收益流)、sex up(加油添醋)、 sky marshal(空中臥底航警)、speed dating(大型交友約會)、spyware(盜版軟體)等。
Chip and Pin(刷卡及密碼)、 downloadable(可下載的電腦檔案)、 emotional intelligence(情緒智商)、 file-sharing(網上資源共享)、 fit (當 sexually attractive,也就是性吸引力解釋)、 iPod、 revenue stream(收益流)、sex up(加油添醋)、 sky marshal(空中臥底航警)、speed dating(大型交友約會)、spyware(盜版軟體)等。
以 cyber- 開頭的字非常多,包括了 cybercrime(網路犯罪)、 cyberlaw(網路法律)、 cybersex(網路性愛)、cybershopping(網路購物)…等等。....." --丁文玲
noun [C] (US mommy)
[as form of address] I want to go home, Mummy.
Could I speak to your mummy, please Phoebe?
Scientists: Oetzi the Ice Man Met a Quick End
In what is playing out like a prehistoric version of CSI, new scientific
evidence shows that Oetzi the mummified ice man met a violent end. Yet
it's not likely anyone will be prosecuted for this 5,000-year-old crime.
The DW-WORLD Article
In what is playing out like a prehistoric version of CSI, new scientific
evidence shows that Oetzi the mummified ice man met a violent end. Yet
it's not likely anyone will be prosecuted for this 5,000-year-old crime.
The DW-WORLD Article
noun [C]
(especially in ancient Egypt) a dead body that has been preserved from decay by being treated with special substances before being wrapped in cloth
mummify Show phonetics
verb [T]
to preserve a dead body as a mummy
- 発音記号[strǽtəfài][動](他)
1 〈社会などを〉階層化する.
2 …を層にする.
3 〈種子を〉土の層の間で保存する.