Trump Claims Nafta Victory, but Deal Faces Long Odds in U.S.
The president said gaining congressional approval would not be much of a problem. Democrats disagree.
Toshiba sees long odds for Hon Hai's ¥3 trillion chip bid, sources say
The firm may forgo the highest bid because of likely opposition from the Japanese and American governments based on Hon Hai’s ties to China.
"英國作家麥格瑞吉(Malcolm Muggeridge)曾說:「幽默幾乎是英國人唯一認真的東西。」這句話本身就是矛盾的調和。英國小品文最講究的就是wit。此字含義頗廣,可以解為一 般的聰明才智,也可解為風趣、幽默、急智,更可引申為三寸不爛之舌,妙思無窮之筆,亦可逕指才子雅人。從培根到約翰生到王爾德,英國作家的脣槍舌劍,鬥智 逞能,大半都在搏得wit一字。"
How do you understand the odds in horse racing betting?
Odds tell you what your profit will be should you win the bet. A horse that is 6 to 5 (shown on the tote board as 6/5) will pay 6 dollars for every 5 dollars bet. A horse that is 6 to 1 (shown on the tote board as 6) will pay 6 dollars for every 1 dollar bet. Several factors go into determining the odds for a particular horse. More
Motorola, Ex-CFO At Odds on His Exit
A Motorola regulatory filing provided an explanation that differed from its original account of the dismissal of the chief financial officer, who alleges wrongful termination.
- In a way that is different from what is usual or expected; strangely.‘Mary had been behaving oddly’‘an oddly shaped room’as submodifier ‘the voices sounded oddly familiar’sentence adverb ‘oddly enough, I wasn't scared’
plural noun
1 the probability that a particular thing will or will not happen:
If you drive a car all your life, the odds are that you'll have an accident at some point.
There are heavy odds against people succeeding in such a bad economic climate.
What are the odds on him being (= Do you think he will be) re-elected?
The odds are stacked against a woman succeeding (= it is not likely that a woman will succeed) in the business.
2 the probability expressed as a number when making a bet:
The odds against my horse winning (= that it will not win)/on my horse winning (= that it will win) are a hundred to one.
The odds that the US entrant will win the race are ten to one.
at odds
In disagreement, opposed. For example, It is only natural for the young and old to be at odds over money matters. This idiom uses odds in the sense of "a condition of being unequal or different," and transfers it to a difference of opinion, or quarrel. [Late 1500s]
━━ & sing. 不平等(な物); 優劣の差; 勝算 (The ~ are in his favor [against him]. 彼に勝目がある[ない]); 差異; 不和; 見込み; (強者が弱者に与える)ハンディキャップ; 【競馬】オッズ ((概算配当率)).
against (all) the odds 猛烈な反対[苦境]にもかかわらず.
at odds (with) (…と)不和で ((on, over)).
by long [all] odds どうみても.
It is odds that … たぶん….
lay [give] odds of (three) to (one) (相手の一)に対して(三)の割合で賭ける.
make no odds 大したことではない.
odds and ends [〈英話〉sods] 残り物; がらくた.
over the odds 〔英〕 予測[必要]以上に, 法外に[の].
The odds are that … たぶん….
What's the odds? 〔話〕 大したことないじゃないか.
odds-on ━━ a. 勝ち目のある; ありそうな, 確実そうな.
long [short] odds 大差[小差]の賭け率・勝算.

1 [S or U] the ability to use words in a clever and humorous way:
a woman of great intelligence and wit
Her conversation sparkled with her own subtle blend of wit and charm.
He was known for his dry/ready/sharp wit.
See also wits; witticism.
2 [C] a person who is skilled at using words in a clever and humorous way:
Sydney Smith, a notable wit, once remarked that he never read a book before he reviewed it because it might prejudice his opinion of it.
using words in a clever and funny way:
a witty comment/remark
He was witty and very charming.
plural noun
intelligence and the ability to think quickly:
She learned to survive on her wits.
to make someone very frightened:
Don't shout like that! You scared me out of my wits.