2018年11月22日 星期四

deaccession, Gibbon長臂猿 on birth control gives birth,

11 advisors resign from a Jewish museum in London to protest the "heartbreaking" sale of its collection:
Nicholas Serota and Norman Rosenthal are among the experts who have resigned as London’s Ben Uri Gallery and Museum begins to deaccession 700 historic works.

Jill Andrews, animal care manager at the San Diego Zoo, likened the situation to when birth control fails for humans – it happens "from time to time."

高羅佩《中國長臂猿》1958;中國古墓中發現已絕種的全新屬種長臂猿2018. 高羅佩主要作品多有漢譯本。 .... Some Blogs of Hanching Chung. 城鄉歲月What Time is ...


  1. 1.
    officially remove (an item) from a library, museum, or art gallery in order to sell it.
    "the decision was made to deaccession the picture"
  1. 1.
    the official removal of an item from a library, museum, or art gallery in order to sell it.
    "in England deaccession has been adopted by local authorities to offset spending cuts"
