2018年11月2日 星期五

TBR, livery, High Road, When they go low…...

#BannedBooksWeek has arrived, and we’re wasting no time building a TBR pile of our favorite banned or challenged books and authors. All week long, we are honoring the stories and voices that have been (and are still being) silenced and censored, and bringing them to light now feels just as urgent as ever. What are your favorite banned classics? 📚🚫

每日一詞:When they go low…...當別人往(道德的)低處走……
“當別人往道德的低處走時,我們要繼續向高處前行( When they go low, we go high)。”2016年,米歇爾·奧巴馬為希拉里助選時的這句名言曾廣為流傳。
特朗普當選後,很多希拉里的支持者對現實感到悲觀。在網絡上,有人借用米歇爾的這個句式自嘲:“ When they go low, we go lower ”(當他們往低處走,我們往更低處走),以及“ When they go low, we go die ”(當他們往低處走,我們就去死)。
中期選舉將至,這句話又被修改成了新的政治口號。只是這一次,民主黨陣營似乎更為憤怒,也更加強勢。奧巴馬政府的司法部長埃里克·霍爾德(Eric Holder)說,“When they go low, we kick them.”(他們往低處走,我們就踢他們。)“黑人選民很重要”(Black Voters Matter)的組織者拉托沙·布朗(LaTosha Brown)則表示:“ When they go low, we got to go hard. ”(當他們往低處走,我們必須更強硬。)
在時報本週發表的《 揮拳還是握手,奧巴馬陣營該如何與特朗普“鬥”? 》一文中,作者提到,許多民主黨的支持者認為,他們應該比以往更猛烈地回擊特朗普。很多人開始質疑,奧巴馬式的理想主義,在如今惡劣的政治氣候中是否還佔有一席之地?

TBR, often meaning "to be recorded", may also refer to: "to be read", book lovers often have a TBR pile or TBR list.

TBR - Wikipedia


Channel NewsAsia

"Oops this special livery won’t last long! She’s going back to the shop!": Cathay Pacific.


'Cathay Paciic': Hong Kong carrier pokes fun at typo on one of its planes

Serena Williams Came In on a High Road. It Made Her Outburst More Devastating.

High road definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary


Web results

Urban Dictionary: High Road


High road refers to a higher moral ground. "Taking the high road" expression refers to one being a "class act" during a very difficult time. Those who take the high road, are demonstrating being honest, fair, and selfless while not being completely defenseless.



  • 1A special uniform worn by a servant, an official, or a member of a City Company.
    ‘yeomen of the guard wearing a royal red and gold livery’
    mass noun ‘pageboys in scarlet and green livery’
    1. 1.1 A special design and colour scheme used on the vehicles, aircraft, or products of a particular company.
      ‘the city's trams are painted in a red and white livery’
  • 2North American
    short for livery stable
  • 3(in the UK) the members of a City livery company collectively.
  • 4historical A provision of food or clothing for servants.
  • 5British historical The ceremonial procedure at common law of conveying freehold land to a grantee.
