2018年11月22日 星期四

proclivity. magma,deep-seated, plutonic, hand over, oligopolistic, temperament pyromania

Join Jarvis Cocker on a journey through a magma underworld, complete with symphony orchestra, only to emerge in a farmhouse where a night of singing is taking place in honour of a deceased relative.
Wireless Nights – Lava and Ice download: http://bbc.in/1rLiwaR


In UN Talk, Japan Leader Makes Pitch to Neighbors
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan sought on Thursday to counter the deep-seated anger among some other Asia-Pacific countries over his ...

Japan's industrial community harbors deep-seated fear of being beaten in the race to create next-generation technology. There are also complaints about South Korea's low corporate taxes, its cheap currency, its oligopolistic domestic market, and other advantages. But, in the final analysis, the only viable route for companies is to improve sales and to compete squarely. This makes it even more important for each side to familiarize themselves each other's capabilities through joint ventures, business collaborations and other means.

The Magma Chamber

Horizon follows the work of scientists seeking to predict volcanic eruptions.

Personal Health
Embracing Children for Who They Are
Children come into the world with pre- determined abilities, proclivities and temperaments.

A religion like yours, on the other hand, harnessing mankind’s deep-seated proclivities, will continue to thrive indefinitely—or for until human nature undergoes considerable change, which is unlikely to happen in the foreseeable future. You, or strictly speaking your science-minded posterity, shall inherit the Earth.

hand over 
BBC Future
'Lying beneath the tranquil settings of Yellowstone National Park in the US lies an enormous magma chamber.'

With an eruption brewing, it may be the only way to prevent the extinction of the human race.

The supervolcano under Yellowstone is even bigger than previously thought. It has enough magma to fill the Grand Canyon nearly 14 times over, scientists say.http://cnn.it/1PuckRV


Definition of hand over in English:
Pass responsibility to someone else:
he will soon hand over to a new director

pro·cliv·i·ty (prō-klĭv'ĭ-tē)
n., pl., -ties.
A natural propensity or inclination; predisposition. 

每個人或多或少有些癖好,而特朗普最知名的癖好,或許就是他對發推的熱愛了。他的推文數量不僅多,風格也獨樹一幟。時報漫畫師帕特里克·恰帕特(Patrick Chappatte)曾為此繪製漫畫 ,稱他是“首席推特官”(tweeter in chief)。時報一篇文章總結了特朗普的這個特質:“特朗普總統有發推、拼錯詞以及給人起犀利綽號的癖好。”(President Trump has a proclivity for tweeting, typos and trenchant nicknames.)
Proclivity意為癖好、傾向 ,意指趨向於選擇或經常做某事,或是對特定事物的愛好或傾向。該詞源於16世紀晚期的拉丁文詞語“proclivitas/proclivis”,由意為“向前、向下”的“pro”和意為“斜坡”的“clivus”兩部分組成。
在特朗普發過的推文中,有一些響噹噹的綽號:“Crooked Hillary”(騙子希拉里)、“Lyin' Ted”(說謊的特德)、“(Crazy Bernie)”(瘋狂的伯尼)等等。他曾“手殘”將“counsel”打成“council”、把“gas”打成“has”,還犯下過一些大錯誤——將“unprecedented”打成“unpresidented”。而他著名的拼寫錯誤“covfefe”含義至今仍是個謎。

[Latin prōclīvitās, from prōclīvis, inclined : prō-, forward; see pro-1 + clīvus, slope.]

〔prouklívti | pr-〕
[名](複-ties)((形式))(特に好ましくないことへの)傾向, 性向, 性癖, 素質((for, to, toward ...))
sexual proclivities
性の好みa proclivity for fault-finding

[名][U][C]1(1) 体質;気質, 気性, 性分. ⇒DISPOSITION[類語] a nervous[a volatile] temperament神経質[気まぐれ]な性質.(2) 気...
[形]1 個性の強い.2 気むずかしい, 神経質な, 移り気の, 気まぐれな.3 気質の[による].tem・per・a・men・tal・ly{include file='search_body_...

  1. Being so far below the surface as to be unsusceptible to superficial examination, study, or treatment: a deep-seated infection.
  2. Deeply rooted; ingrained: deep-seated ideological differences.


(plū-tŏn'ĭk) pronunciation
Of deep igneous or magmatic origin: plutonic rocks.

[From Latin Plūtō, Plūtōn-, Pluto. See Pluto.]

Lava flow on Hawaii. Lava is the extrusive equivalent of magma.

Magma (from Greek μάγμα "paste") is a mixture of molten or semi molten rock, volatiles and solids[1] that is found beneath the surface of the Earth, and is expected to exist on other terrestrial planets. Besides molten rock, magma may also contain suspended crystals and dissolved gas and sometimes also gas bubbles. Magma often collects in magma chambers that may feed a volcano or turn into a pluton. Magma is capable of intrusion into adjacent rocks, extrusion onto the surface as lava, and explosive ejection as tephra to form pyroclastic rock.

岩漿熔化岩石,通常位於地表之下的岩漿庫(或譯岩漿室、岩漿囊)中。 岩漿是一種複雜的高溫矽酸鹽溶液,是各種火成岩的前身。


Line breaks: magma
Pronunciation: /ˈmaɡmə /

NOUN (plural magmas or magmata /-mətə/)

Hot fluid or semi-fluid material below or within theearth’s crust from which lava and other igneous rock is formed on cooling:when red-hot magma comes into contact withseawater, an explosion results[COUNT NOUN]: basaltic magmas are normally expelled at the surface in a very hot and fluid state


late middle english (in the sense 'residue of dregs after evaporation or pressing of a semi-liquid substance'): viaLatin from Greek magma (from massein 'knead').

1 《地質学》深成の
plutonic rock

科云生醫科技股份有限公司(BCT)所開發的新式防火工作服,送往美國利用電子假人(PyroMan ManiKin)進行火焰閃燃測試,以模擬在火焰閃燃過程中,人體皮膚損害情況。結果顯示,BCT所開發出來的防火工作服在火焰閃燃的意外過程中,可完全確保人體生命的安全。

Line breaks: pyro|mania
Pronunciation: /ˌpʌɪrə(ʊ)ˈmeɪnɪə/





