2018年11月22日 星期四

compute, millenium, ad nauseam

The Guardian
"Lena Dunham, a vocal feminist and a woman I respect, found it difficult to believe that her friend Murray Miller, a funny, liberal, smart guy whom she loved, could have assaulted someone. So she accused the victim of lying. When your worldview is challenged, you’d be surprised how quickly you can find a way to dismiss reality. Don’t let’s leap on Dunham as a monster. Let’s recognise that we’d all find it hard to compute; this instinct has to be trained out of us."

#MeToo is a superb phenomenon but we all need training to overcome the instinct to defend loved ones

The New Yorker
A cartoon by Julia Suits.

millenium, the :千年(說);千福年;千禧年王國;太平盛世:教會初期,有人根據默示錄(廿 4-6 ),誤認為世界末日即將來臨,來臨前將有千年之升平時期(盛世)。事實上,千年只表示一段不確定的時期而已。又稱 Chiliasm 



  • 1Reckon or calculate (a figure or amount)
    ‘the hire charge is computed on a daily basis’
    1. 1.1informal no object, with negative Seem reasonable; make sense.
      ‘the idea just doesn't compute’


Early 17th century: from French computer or Latin computare, from com- ‘together’ + putare ‘to settle (an account)’.

Definitions of ad nauseam
referring to something that has been done or repeated so often that it has become annoying or tiresome.
the inherent risks of nuclear power have been debated ad nauseam
