2018年2月5日 星期一

silhouette; in the round, at least

Fatal Train Collision in South Carolina
An Amtrak train traveling from New York to Miami collided with a freight train early Sunday, killing at least two people and injuring at least 116 others.

林先生說:「去年商務出了兩本袖珍英文字典,其中模範字典係增訂本,其原本於民國十八年(1929)出版。模範以求解作文兩用為主旨多列成語,引證用法,得社會歡迎,獨步一時,乃理所當然。字典有定義而不舉倒,猶如畫像有輪廓而無眉目,空空洞洞,令人疑神疑鬼。某字在某句果此義也,果彼義也,捉摸莫定。一有例句,則前之所謂輪廓者,骨肉豐盈眉目畢現矣。此簡明牛津字典序文謂 " define, and your reader gets silhouette; illustrate, and he has it ‘in the round’” 之謂也。若眞如簡明牛津字典編來,直可謂「血足榮膚,膚足飾肉,肉足冐骨」,可以令人顚倒,豈但得簾中模糊倩影而已?」

in the round


  • 1(of sculpture) standing free with all sides shown, rather than carved in relief against a ground.
    1. 1.1 Fully and thoroughly; with all aspects shown.
      ‘to understand social phenomena one must see them in the round’
  • 2(of a theatrical performance) with the audience placed on at least three sides of the stage.
