2018年2月11日 星期日

precise, feel like, haptic or kinesthetic

Before the High Line and the new Whitney, the astronomical rents and gastropubs, Chelsea was a playground for queer misfits. “The House of Impossible Beauties” feels like an anthropological plunge into that era
Joseph Cassara vividly brings to life a lost Manhattan

MIT Technology Review
The wearer can touch, grasp, and feel virtual objects as if they were real—a virtual baseball feels firm in the hand, an egg fragile.
Using this exoskeleton in a virtual environment, a baseball feels firm, and an egg light and fragile.

Blount has coined a term to describe words like these that are “kinesthetically evocative of, or appropriate to, their meaning”: it’s “sonicky,” and it appears so frequently in “Alphabet Juice” that it deserves billing in the subtitle.

feel like something Meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary

feel like something meaning, 

Haptic or kinesthetic communication recreates the sense of touch by applying forces, vibrations, or motions to the user.

Haptic technology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

