2018年2月25日 星期日

rumour-filled, surface (KNOWN), ideal, opulent, statuette,light-filled, fly in the face of

'The rumours that Xi Jinping would follow Putin down the path of the perpetual president are no longer rumours.'

Central committee recommendation shocks leadership’s political rivals
Prof. Xia Yeliang, an economist and professor at Peking University, was told to leave in October.
U.S. Colleges Finding Ideals Tested Abroad


Universities with programs in countries with autocratic governments are wrestling with how to respond to actions that fly in the face of democratic principles.

"Utility is when you have one telephone, luxury is when you have two, opulence is when you have three — and paradise is when you have none."Doug Larson

The Cato Institute, headquarters of the nation’s libertarian academy, occupies a stunning steel-and-glass tower on Massachusetts Avenue, boasting the kind of light-filled, contemporary opulence you would expect to find in Silicon Valley.

Was a dog really the first ‪#‎Oscar‬ winner?
Read about the rich, rumour-filled history of the golden man.

Black Is Sentenced to 6 1/2 Years in Prison

All the while, he cultivated friends in high places, and acquired opulent homes in New York — where is company had little business — Toronto, Palm Beach and London.

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surface (KNOWN) Show phonetics
verb [I]
If a feeling or information surfaces, it becomes known:
Doubts are beginning to surface about whether the right decision has been made.
A rumour has surfaced that the company is about to go out of business.

fly in the face of

be openly at variance with (what is usual or expected):a need to fly in the face of convention

in high places 要職にある; 権威筋の.

opulent Show phonetics
expensive and luxurious:
an opulent lifestyle
an opulent hotel

opulence Show phonetics
noun [U]
━━ a. 富んだ; 豊富な.
op・u・lence, op・u・len・cy ━━ n. 富; 豊富.
