"Yet who knows? Is this reality, the final reality, or just a new deceptive dream?”
―from KING, QUEEN, KNAVE (1972) by Vladimir Nabokov
―from KING, QUEEN, KNAVE (1972) by Vladimir Nabokov
The novel is the story of Dreyer, a wealthy and boisterous proprietor of a men’s clothing emporium store. Ruddy, self-satisfied, and thoroughly masculine, he is perfectly repugnant to his exquisite but cold middle-class wife Martha. Attracted to his money but repelled by his oblivious passion, she longs for their nephew instead, the myopic Franz. Newly arrived in Berlin, Franz soon repays his uncle’s condescension in his aunt’s bed. READ more here: https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/…/king-queen-knave-by-v…/
2014.3.27 在回歸初期,中國對香港的確頗為優容、非常遷就,幾乎可說香港要什麼便給什麼;可是,當中國全面崛起時,「一闊臉就變」,高高在上不可一世(condescension)的劣根性馬上浮現,對香港內政多方干預,最初還猶抱琵琶,近年已不再避嫌,站到台前指點江山;而最讓港人感到不是味兒的是,北京一再挑選不得民心不孚眾望的「心腹」為行政長官,令不滿的民情沸騰,上街抗議政府庸政誤人、矮化香港、赤化香港(這是遲早必行之策,不然何以在二○四七年和祖國無縫融合;
Court to Weigh Arizona Statute on Immigration
The Obama administration challenged parts of the tough immigration law in court, saying it could not be reconciled with federal immigration policies.
Court to Weigh Arizona Statute on Immigration
The Obama administration challenged parts of the tough immigration law in court, saying it could not be reconciled with federal immigration policies.
2014.3.27 在回歸初期,中國對香港的確頗為優容、非常遷就,幾乎可說香港要什麼便給什麼;可是,當中國全面崛起時,「一闊臉就變」,高高在上不可一世(condescension)的劣根性馬上浮現,對香港內政多方干預,最初還猶抱琵琶,近年已不再避嫌,站到台前指點江山;而最讓港人感到不是味兒的是,北京一再挑選不得民心不孚眾望的「心腹」為行政長官,令不滿的民情沸騰,上街抗議政府庸政誤人、矮化香港、赤化香港(這是遲早必行之策,不然何以在二○四七年和祖國無縫融合;
Court to Weigh Arizona Statute on Immigration
The Obama administration challenged parts of the tough immigration law in court, saying it could not be reconciled with federal immigration policies.
Taiwan Truth and Reconciliation Association
美聯社報道,為了紀念塔科馬1885年11月強迫驅逐華人移民事件所興建的華人和解公園(Chinese Reconciliation Park),3日將對外開放,供人參觀。
Lamenting the Bush administration's militaristic policy, the founder of an association of 9/11 victims' families said, "Sept. 11 should be a day for seeking reconciliation, not flag-waving." This emotion was echoed in the following words from "Bridge over Troubled Water" that was sung at the ceremony: "When darkness comes/ And pain is all around/ Like a bridge over troubled water/ I will lay me down."
--The Asahi Shimbun, Sept. 14(IHT/Asahi: September 15,2007)
humanmankind's manifold adventures on plant
Jewish refugees put their own twist on Bauhaus homes in IsraelJewish settlers from Germany helped shape Tel Aviv's cityscape in the early
20th century. They aimed for utilitarianism and borrowed from Bauhaus, a
modern design movement which marked its 90th birthday on April 1.
The DW-WORLD Article
文學與人生 - Google Books Result by Mi Wu, 吴宓,
才想起"名利場" (Vanity Fair)是他所創
愛默生的詩為白璧德《文學與美國大學》Literature and the American college by Irving Babbitt一書引用的格言:
There are two laws discreet
Not reconciled,
Law for man, and law for thing;
The last build town and fleet,
But it runs wild,
And doth the man unking.
一為人事 一為物質
用物質律 築城製艦
Syllabification: con·de·scen·sion
Pronunciation: /ˌkändəˈsenCHən/
- An attitude of patronizing superiority; disdain: a tone of condescension I’m treated with condescension
More example sentences
- It's like being called a eunuch or an old maid; one always hears that faint sneer of disdain and condescension mixed with pity.
- The bombast, condescension, arrogance and swagger all seems slightly silly in retrospect.
- There's a lot you could say about this remark - its arrogance, its condescension.
unking 意思為v. t.
[1st un- + king.]
To cause to cease to be a king. [R.]
Shall his condescension, therefore, unking him?South.
譬如說 kindergarten methods 不能只翻譯為 "幼稚方法"
這是一種現在幼稚園多用的教學方式--遊戲 玩具 唱歌....
Babbit 當時可能不知道"兒童認知和心理學"等學問頗大
3. | on Page 132: |
"... This spirit is threatened at present in manifold ways,-by the upward push of utilitarianism and kindergarten methods, by the downward push of professionalism and specialization, by the almost irresistible pressure of commercial and industrial influences. ..." |
noun [U]
the system of thought which states that the best action or decision in a particular situation is the one which most benefits the most people
- Exceeding reasonable limits; immoderate. See synonyms at excessive.
- Not regulated; disorderly.
[Middle English inordinat, from Latin inōrdinātus, disordered : in-, not; see in-1 + ōrdinātus, past participle of ōrdināre, to set in order (from ōrdō, ōrdin-, order).]
inordinacy in·or'di·na·cy or in·or'di·nate·ness n.inordinately in·or'di·nate·ly adv.
Pronunciation: /ˈrɛk(ə)nsʌɪl/
Definition of reconcile
[with object]Derivatives
late Middle English: from Old French reconcilier or Latin reconciliare, from Latin re- 'back' (also expressing intensive force) + conciliare 'bring together'reconcile Show phonetics
verb [T]
1 to find a way in which two situations or beliefs that are opposed to each other can agree and exist together:
It is sometimes difficult to reconcile science and religion.
It's difficult to reconcile such different points of view.
How can you reconcile your fur coat and/with your love of animals?
2 be reconciled When two people are reconciled they become friendly again after they have argued:
They were finally reconciled with each other, after not speaking for nearly five years.
1 [C or U] when two people or groups of people become friendly again after they have argued:
It took hours of negotiations to bring about a reconciliation between the two sides.
2 [U] the process of making two opposite beliefs, ideas or situations agree附近的教堂的主題: "和好"rec·on·cil·i·a·tion (rĕk'ən-sĭl'ē-ā'shən)

n.━━ n. 調停; 和解; 調和; あきらめ.
- The act of reconciling.
- The condition of being reconciled.
- See penance (sense 2).
[Middle English reconsiliacion, from Old French reconciliation, from Latin reconciliātiō, reconciliātiōn-, from reconciliātus, past participle of reconciliāre, to reconcile. See reconcile.]
self-serving Show phonetics
working or acting for your own advantage:
Politicians are seen as old-fashioned, corrupt and self-serving.
newlywed, newly wed
A person recently married.
9/11 should be a day for seeking reconciliation
In 2001, Sept. 11 was a Tuesday. The cycle of the days of the week has since come full circle, and the anniversary day this year also fell on Tuesday.
At the site in Manhattan where two jetliners crashed into the twin towers of the World Trade Center and obliterated them in 100 minutes six years ago, it rained last Tuesday.
Among the bereaved families of 9/11 victims attending the anniversary ceremony were Tasuku and Kiyomi Nakamura of Shimonoseki, Yamaguchi Prefecture. Their second son, Takuya, was an employee of a Japanese regional bank stationed in Manhattan. Not even a fragment of his bones has been found to date, but he was believed to have been in his office on the 102nd floor of the North Tower when the first plane rammed into it. He was 30, and left behind his newly wed wife.
The Nakamuras brought a painting of pink roses to the ceremony. Drawn by Kiyomi on washi Japanese paper, the roses were originally the last Mother's Day gift Takuya had presented Kiyomi from the United States. Kiyomi had the roses transplanted to her garden in Shimonoseki, where they have been blooming every year.
The Nakamuras left the ceremony before their son's name was read out in the annual roll call. "(Hearing his name) would be too much to bear," they explained.
"Since 9/11, the world has only become more prickly like a sea urchin," noted Tasuku. "It's moving in the wrong direction, and Japan has been caught up in it."
The scene of the tragedy, at which the Nakamuras have shed many bitter tears, has disappeared in the ongoing neighborhood redevelopment project. But any real sense of closure continues to elude them.
verb [T] FORMAL
If a piece of information eludes you, you cannot remember it:
I know who you mean but her name eludes me.
Grieving families are struggling to overcome their loathing for the perpetrators of the crime to focus their sights on the greater goal of world peace.
Nearly 3,000 people were killed by self-serving fanatics, and more than 10 times that number have since died in the war begun to hunt down those fanatics. I doubt President George W. Bush's war against terror is serving its stated purpose of making the world safer for everyone. On the contrary, it has only increased the number of innocent civilians being killed senselessly.
At the site in Manhattan where two jetliners crashed into the twin towers of the World Trade Center and obliterated them in 100 minutes six years ago, it rained last Tuesday.
Among the bereaved families of 9/11 victims attending the anniversary ceremony were Tasuku and Kiyomi Nakamura of Shimonoseki, Yamaguchi Prefecture. Their second son, Takuya, was an employee of a Japanese regional bank stationed in Manhattan. Not even a fragment of his bones has been found to date, but he was believed to have been in his office on the 102nd floor of the North Tower when the first plane rammed into it. He was 30, and left behind his newly wed wife.
The Nakamuras brought a painting of pink roses to the ceremony. Drawn by Kiyomi on washi Japanese paper, the roses were originally the last Mother's Day gift Takuya had presented Kiyomi from the United States. Kiyomi had the roses transplanted to her garden in Shimonoseki, where they have been blooming every year.
The Nakamuras left the ceremony before their son's name was read out in the annual roll call. "(Hearing his name) would be too much to bear," they explained.
"Since 9/11, the world has only become more prickly like a sea urchin," noted Tasuku. "It's moving in the wrong direction, and Japan has been caught up in it."
The scene of the tragedy, at which the Nakamuras have shed many bitter tears, has disappeared in the ongoing neighborhood redevelopment project. But any real sense of closure continues to elude them.
verb [T] FORMAL
If a piece of information eludes you, you cannot remember it:
I know who you mean but her name eludes me.
Grieving families are struggling to overcome their loathing for the perpetrators of the crime to focus their sights on the greater goal of world peace.
Nearly 3,000 people were killed by self-serving fanatics, and more than 10 times that number have since died in the war begun to hunt down those fanatics. I doubt President George W. Bush's war against terror is serving its stated purpose of making the world safer for everyone. On the contrary, it has only increased the number of innocent civilians being killed senselessly.