2017年8月19日 星期六

susceptible, appendix, stricken, fixes and refutations

Recently David Tang founded a website, ICorrect.com, where celebrities can post fixes and refutations of incorrect information spreading over the internet.[14]

Societal Ills Spike in Crisis-Stricken Greece

Spanish Finance Minister Luis de Guindos was in a session of Spanish parliament Thursday as pressure grew on the government to come up with €19 billion to rescue Bankia SA, the stricken Spanish bank.

The argument is unusually susceptible to interpretation, as it is expressed almost wholly as a series of often cryptic refutations. We may classify the divergent treatments of the Madhyamakakārikā under three headings:
Those presenting the text as an appendix to a previously established philosophical tradition;
Those reading the text as a poem to subsequent philosophical developments;
Those that would present it as philosophical teaching unto itself.

Reactor Design in Japan Has Long Been Questioned

The type of containment vessel used in the stricken reactors in Japan has long been thought susceptible to failure in an emergency.


(sə-sĕp'tə-bəl) pronunciation
  1. Easily influenced or affected: "She suddenly was too susceptible to her past" (Jimmy Breslin).
  2. Likely to be affected: susceptible to colds.
  3. Especially sensitive; highly impressionable.
  4. Permitting an action to be performed; capable of undergoing: a statement susceptible of proof; a disease susceptible to treatment.
[Late Latin susceptibilis, from Latin susceptus, past participle of suscipere, to receive : sub-, from below; see sub- + capere, to take.]
susceptibleness sus·cep'ti·ble·ness n.
susceptibly sus·cep'ti·bly adv.

1 ((叙述))(…の)影響[作用など]を受けやすい, (…に)感染しやすい((to ...))
be susceptible to illness
2 ((文))(…に)感じやすい;敏感な((to ...))
a susceptible young man
He is highly susceptible to flights of fancy.
3 ((叙述))((形式))(…を)受け入れる余地がある, (…を)許す((of ...))
facts not susceptible of proof


  • レベル:社会人必須
  • 発音記号[stríkən]
1 ((しばしば複合語))((形式))(病気・災害などに)襲われた, 苦しめられた((with ...));(精神的に)悩んでいる, 打ちひしがれた, 苦しそうな
a stricken city
2 ((詩))(弾丸などで)撃たれた, 傷ついた
a stricken animal

Definition of stricken


  • seriously affected by an undesirable condition or unpleasant feeling:the pilot landed the stricken aircraft Raymond was stricken with grief 
    [in combination]:the farms were drought-stricken
  • (of a person’s face or look) showing great distress:she looked at Anne’s stricken face, contorted with worry


stricken in years

archaic old and feeble.
