2017年8月11日 星期五

cross, The road to hell is paved with good intentions

“The road to hell is paved with adverbs.”
— Stephen King

The road to hell is paved with good intentions is a proverb or aphorism. An alternative form is "Hell is full of good meanings, but heaven is full of good works".[1]
Contents  [hide]
1 Origin
2 Meaning
3 Studies
4 Artistic references
5 See also
6 References
The saying is thought to have originated with Saint Bernard of Clairvaux who wrote (c. 1150), "L'enfer est plein de bonnes volontés ou désirs" (hell is full of good wishes or desires).[2] An earlier saying occurs in Virgil's Aeneid: "facilis descensus Averno (the descent to hell is easy)".[3]
A common interpretation of the saying is that wrongdoings or evil actions are often masked by good intentions; or even that good intentions, when acted upon, may have unintended consequences.[4]
Another meaning of the phrase is that individuals may have the intention to undertake good actions but nevertheless fail to take action.[5][6] This inaction may be due to procrastination, laziness or other subversive vice.[7] As such, the saying is an admonishment that a good intention is meaningless unless followed through.[8]



長崎への原爆投下から1年経った1946年8月9日、犠牲者の墓碑を前に祈りを捧げる遺族たち。今日9日、投下から72年目の夏を迎えた。photo 朝日新聞社(朝日新聞映像報道部インスタグラムの写真を紹介しています)

Image result for 十字架

cross  (1) 十字架;十字。 (2) 苦難:包括生活上的種種負擔、試煉等。拉丁文為 crux 
cross, adoration of the :朝拜十字架(苦像):尤指聖周主受難日對十字架的特殊敬禮。又稱 cross, veneration of the 
Cross, Exaltation of the :光榮十字聖架:該慶日在九月十四日。
Cross, Finding of the True :尋獲十字聖架:紀念西元 326 年君士坦丁的母親-海倫太后在聖地尋獲耶穌被釘的十字架之事蹟。
cross, pectoral :胸前十字:教會高級神長的胸前佩帶的十字苦像。
cross, processional :遊行十字:引導遊行的十字架。
cross, profession :聖願十字:發願會士所佩帶的十字苦像。
cross, the sign of the :十字聖號。
cross, to make the sign of :畫十字;請聖號:畫十字乃信仰的宣示,多用於宗教儀式前後。通常畫十字時口念:因父,及子,及聖神之名。阿們。詳閱 Sign of the Cross, to make the 
crown of thorns :茨冠:指耶穌受難時所戴的茨冠。
crucifix :苦像;十字架苦像;基督受難像:吾主被釘十字架的苦像。一般基督新教只有(單調的)十字架,而天主教在其上安置被釘之耶穌像。
crucifixion :釘死於十字架;在十字架上釘死: (1) 將死刑犯釘在十字架上是羅馬帝國死刑之一,多用於對付反抗之奴隸。猶太人要求把耶穌釘死在十字架上,視基督為奴隸。 (2) 耶穌在十字架上的死亡。
crucify :釘在十字架上。
