It’s almost time to go back to school. For many families, that can mean piles of books, papers and other supplies everywhere. Professional organizer Rachel Rosenthal has a few tips on how to make those school days feel a lot less hectic.
Getting around African cities is famously stressful. But in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia’s fast-growing capital, it is now possible to make some journeys there without braving the hectic streets:
Londoners try slowing down the pace of life
In today’s hectic world, the chance to put your feet up for five minutes
and grab a breather often feels like a luxury you just can’t afford.
The DW-WORLD Article
- 2.MEDICINEarchaicrelating to or affected by a regularly recurrent fever typically accompanying tuberculosis, with flushed cheeks and hot, dry skin.
- 1.a hectic fever or flush.
- One that breathes, especially in a specified manner: a shallow breather.
- Informal. A short rest period: took a breather after skiing for two hours.
- Informal. An activity, such as strenuous exercise, that causes difficult breathing.
- A small vent allowing the passage of gas or liquid to or from an enclosed area.
schedule Show phonetics
noun [C]
1 a list of planned activities or things to be done showing the times or dates when they are intended to happen or be done:
a production schedule
a hectic/tight (= very busy) schedule
Everything went according to schedule (= as planned).
2 US (UK timetable) a list of the times when events are planned to happen, especially the times when buses, trains and planes leave and arrive
3 FORMAL an official list of things:
a schedule of business expenses
verb [T often passive]
to arrange that an event or activity will happen at a particular time:
The meeting has been scheduled for tomorrow afternoon.
[+ to infinitive] The train is scheduled to arrive at 8.45, but it's running twenty minutes late.
This program will be broadcast half an hour later than the scheduled time.
noun [C]
a person who works for a broadcasting company putting the various programmes for the day, week, month, etc. into a particular order
"schedule一義 = 表
非指時程, 乃表也
美國報稅表格即有 schedule B, C, D, E,..."
1 a obsolete : a written document b: a statement of supplementary details appended to a legal or legislative document2: a written or printed list, catalog, or inventory; also : timetable 13: program; especially : a procedural plan that indicates the time and sequence of each operation schedule;
4: a body of items to be dealt with : agenda
5 often capitalized : a governmental list of drugs all subject to the same legal restrictions and controls —usually used with a Roman numeral I to V indicating decreasing potential for abuse or addiction
4: a body of items to be dealt with : agenda
5 often capitalized : a governmental list of drugs all subject to the same legal restrictions and controls —usually used with a Roman numeral I to V indicating decreasing potential for abuse or addiction
LSD is Schedule I in the United States, according to the Controlled Substances Act of 1970.[115] This means LSD is illegal to manufacture, buy, possess, process, or distribute without a license from the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). By classifying LSD as a Schedule I substance, the DEA holds that LSD meets the following three criteria: it is deemed to have a high potential for abuse; it has no legitimate medical use in treatment; and there is a lack of accepted safety for its use under medical supervision. There are no documented deaths from chemical toxicity; most LSD deaths are a result of behavioral toxicity.[116]
chiefly Law An appendix to a formal document or statute, especially as a list, table, orinventory:they need a clear schedule of fixtures and fittings
━━ n. 予定(表), スケジュール; 時間表 ((for)); 表; 時刻表; (別紙)明細表.
(according) to schedule 予定どおりに[では].
ahead of [behind] schedule 予定より早く[遅れて].
on schedule 予定[時間]通りに.
━━ vt. 表[目録]に載せる[を作る]; 予定する, 定める ((for; to do)).
scheduled flight (飛行機の)定期便.
scheduled maintenance 計画保守.
sched・ul・er ━━ n. 【コンピュータ】スケジューラ.
sched・ul・ing 【コンピュータ】スケジューリング; 【製造】(工程等の)スケジュール[時間表]作成.
scheduling algorithm 【コンピュータ】スケジューリング・アルゴリズム.

━━ vt. 表[目録]に載せる[を作る]; 予定する, 定める ((for; to do)).

scheduling algorithm 【コンピュータ】スケジューリング・アルゴリズム.