Humphrey Lyttelton was perhaps the UK's most influential jazz performer.Beyond this, he was a noted raconteur and wit and chairman of BBC Radio 4's long-running I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue.
Australia welcomes Japan whaling U-turn but lodges protest
SYDNEY (AFP) — Australia welcomed Saturday Japan's backdown on plans to hunt humpbacks but said it had still lodged a formal protest with Tokyo calling for ...
SYDNEY (AFP) — Australia welcomed Saturday Japan's backdown on plans to hunt humpbacks but said it had still lodged a formal protest with Tokyo calling for ...
NB, Hall of Fame
NB 3
2008.06.15 02:24 am
六 月初,美國NBA職籃進入總冠軍戰,開打兩個月的美國職棒大聯盟MLB也逐漸加溫。球壇上新秀登場,也有名將高掛運動鞋退休;他們可否在運動史上留名,退 休五年後能不能擠進名人堂將是重大指標。像五月二十一日剛退休的大都會隊強打捕手皮亞薩(Mike Piazza),是大聯盟史上最多全壘打的捕手,還連續十個球季入選明星賽,預估未來很有機會進入棒球名人堂,留名棒球史。
以美國國家棒球名人堂為例,1936年開始票選傑出選手,1939年在紐約州古柏鎮成立博物館,館藏包括棒球相關文物、藝術品、文學作品、相片、紀念品 等,還有入選名人堂英雄們的各類物件、紀錄等。進入名人堂的入選標準是:球員必須具備十年以上資歷,退休五年後經美國棒球記者協會會員四分之三以上同意, 才可以留名在此棒球聖殿。
棒球名人堂成立後,冰上曲棍球/1945年、足球/1950年、籃球/1959年、美式足球/1963年,也紛紛成立名人堂。五大運動名人堂到目前究竟有 哪些運動明星上榜,關心的球迷可參閱稻草人出版社(Scarecrow Press)新近出版的《運動名人堂百科全書》(The Sports Hall of Fame Encyclopedia)一目瞭然。《運動名人堂百科全書》由2004年編過《國際名人堂指南》(Hall of Fame: An International Directory)的專業工具書編輯布雷文斯(Dave Blevins)主編,他以姓名字母A-Z排序,羅列從全壘打王漢克‧阿倫(Hank Aaron)到活塞隊老闆佐納(Fred Zollner),收錄五大球類運動名人堂運動英雄計一千四百多人,兩大冊厚達一千五百頁。除以運動員查檢,也有按球類和年代順序編排簡目的附錄和索引可 用。
A hall of fame (sometimes HOF) is a type of museum established for any a field of endeavour to honour individuals of noteworthy achievement in that field. In some cases, these halls of fame consist of actual halls or museums which enshrine the honourees with sculptures, plaques, and displays of memorabilia. In other cases, the hall of fame is more figurative, and simply consists of a list of names of noteworthy individuals maintained by an organization.
The opposite of hall of fame is called hall of shame (sometimes HOS).
Wikipedia article "Hall of fame".
hall was found in the Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary at the entries listed below.
See definition in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary
Line breaks: NBabbreviation
2008.06.15 02:24 am
六 月初,美國NBA職籃進入總冠軍戰,開打兩個月的美國職棒大聯盟MLB也逐漸加溫。球壇上新秀登場,也有名將高掛運動鞋退休;他們可否在運動史上留名,退 休五年後能不能擠進名人堂將是重大指標。像五月二十一日剛退休的大都會隊強打捕手皮亞薩(Mike Piazza),是大聯盟史上最多全壘打的捕手,還連續十個球季入選明星賽,預估未來很有機會進入棒球名人堂,留名棒球史。
以美國國家棒球名人堂為例,1936年開始票選傑出選手,1939年在紐約州古柏鎮成立博物館,館藏包括棒球相關文物、藝術品、文學作品、相片、紀念品 等,還有入選名人堂英雄們的各類物件、紀錄等。進入名人堂的入選標準是:球員必須具備十年以上資歷,退休五年後經美國棒球記者協會會員四分之三以上同意, 才可以留名在此棒球聖殿。
棒球名人堂成立後,冰上曲棍球/1945年、足球/1950年、籃球/1959年、美式足球/1963年,也紛紛成立名人堂。五大運動名人堂到目前究竟有 哪些運動明星上榜,關心的球迷可參閱稻草人出版社(Scarecrow Press)新近出版的《運動名人堂百科全書》(The Sports Hall of Fame Encyclopedia)一目瞭然。《運動名人堂百科全書》由2004年編過《國際名人堂指南》(Hall of Fame: An International Directory)的專業工具書編輯布雷文斯(Dave Blevins)主編,他以姓名字母A-Z排序,羅列從全壘打王漢克‧阿倫(Hank Aaron)到活塞隊老闆佐納(Fred Zollner),收錄五大球類運動名人堂運動英雄計一千四百多人,兩大冊厚達一千五百頁。除以運動員查檢,也有按球類和年代順序編排簡目的附錄和索引可 用。
A hall of fame (sometimes HOF) is a type of museum established for any a field of endeavour to honour individuals of noteworthy achievement in that field. In some cases, these halls of fame consist of actual halls or museums which enshrine the honourees with sculptures, plaques, and displays of memorabilia. In other cases, the hall of fame is more figurative, and simply consists of a list of names of noteworthy individuals maintained by an organization.
The opposite of hall of fame is called hall of shame (sometimes HOS).
Wikipedia article "Hall of fame".
hall was found in the Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary at the entries listed below.
- foyer
- hall (ENTRANCE)
- hall (BUILDING)
- mess (ROOM)
- vaudeville
- city hall
- concert hall
- dance hall
- dining hall
- hall of fame
- hall of residence
- lunch room
- music hall
- town hall
━━ n. Uターン; 180度の転換, 大転換.
U-turn lane 迴轉道
U-turn Show phonetics
1 a turn made by a car in order to go back in the direction from which it has come:
It is illegal to do/make a U-turn on a motorway.
2 MAINLY DISAPPROVING a complete change from one opinion or plan of action to an opposite one:
The Prime Minister did/made a quick U-turn in response to all the adverse publicity.
David Tang, Fashion Retailer and Raconteur, Dies at 63 ,採用的善說軼事、故事的人的法語源 raconteur:
n.n. 話上手な人.
One who tells stories and anecdotes with skill and wit.
[French, from raconter, to relate, from Old French : re-, re- + aconter, to count up, reckon; see account.]
"a colourful raconteur"
synonyms: | storyteller, teller of tales, spinner of yarns, narrator, relater, recounter; More |