2019年4月2日 星期二

Materie, red-eye, red-light district, experimentation and learning- by-doing

Thousands of tourists visit the red-light district every week, Amsterdam officials said. But the crowds have not been beneficial for prostitutes, who tend to be gawked at by visitors while potential paying clients are put off.
Amsterdam to Ban Tours of Its Red-Light District
The Dutch capital will prohibit guided visits to the area in an effort to tackle overcrowding by tourists and improve working conditions for prostitutes.

Material Studies, or Materie, were at the very heart of the Bauhaus – not only of its Preliminary Course, but of its entire curriculum of experimentation and learning- by-doing.

From Middle Dutch materie, from Old French materie, matiere, from Latin māteria (“matter, stuff, material”).

materie - Wiktionary




1[MASS NOUN] The undesirable effect in flash photography of people appearing to have red eyes, caused by a reflection from the retina when the flashgun is too near the camera lens:a pre-flash emission to minimize red-eye
1.1(also red-eye flight)[IN SINGULAR] informal, chiefly North American A flight on which a passenger cannot expect to get much sleep on account of the time of departure or arrival:she caught the red-eye back to New York
2freshwater fish with red eyes, in particular:
2.1British rudd.
2.2North American rock bass.
3[MASS NOUN] US informal Cheap whisky.
3.1Canadian drink made from tomato juice and beer.

red-light districtMeaning #1: a district with many brothels

A red-light district is a neighborhood where prostitution and other businesses in the sex industry flourish. The term "red-light district" was first recorded in the United States in 1894, in an article in The Sentinel, a newspaper in Milwaukee. Other mentions from the 1890s are numerous, and located all over the United States.
The origin of the "red light" term is considered to be the red lanterns carried by railway workers (which were left outside brothels when the workers entered, so that they could be quickly located for any needed train movement) or the red paper lanterns (which were thought to be sensual) that were hung outside brothels in ancient China to identify them as such. The color red has been associated with prostitution for millennia; in the Biblical story of Rahab, a prostitute in Jericho, aided the spies of Joshua and identified her house with a scarlet rope, which saved her household from the massacre that a successfully besieged city usually suffered. During World War I, there were many brothels in Belgium and France; blue lights were used to indicate brothels for officers, red lights for other ranks.
One of the many terms used for a red-light district in Japanese is akasen (赤線 ?), literally meaning "red-line", apparently of independent origins from the English term. Japanese police drew a red line on maps to indicate the boundaries of legal red-light districts. They also have the term aosen (青線 ?), meaning "blue-line", for a non-legal district. In different cultures red-light districts are identified differently, the most common being "district of prostitutes"

See also


(www.geohive.com ,http://www.xist.org/cntry/netherlands.aspx) (Amsterdam as a global city: reconstructering identity, rearticulation, and resistance in the service sector. The Review of Policy Research, January 1, 2006, By Dorfler, Tobia, Marchand, Marianne H., Pirchne, Claus.) (Amsterdam tries upscale fix for red light district crime, New York Times, February 24, 2008, By Marlise Simons) (www.dictionary.com)

社会 | 2009.05.08


被视为"罪愆渊薮"的汉堡市圣保利区的夜生活胜地及红灯区-里泊街的名声,已远远跨出了德国边界。这条长达900米的街道是酒吧、剧院、酒店、妓院和性用 品商店的聚集之地。过去到这里来消费的大多是附近港口的海员、水手。如今,每年到此一游的有数千游客,为的就是亲眼目睹当地以"妓女橱窗"闻名的红灯区。 然而,这条名街已经今不如昔了。

这里的圣诞节也不太一样Bildunterschrift: Großansicht des Bildes mit der Bildunterschrift: 这里的圣诞节也不太一样尽管里泊街红灯区大名鼎鼎,但当地居民却似乎有些避之唯恐不及。
记者耳边响着生动活泼、选自影片"大自由7号"的歌曲:"午夜12点半的红灯区"。这始终是当地酒吧和小酒馆里的经典歌曲。这部制作于1944年的 黑白影片,表现的是下流社会的气氛:影片中有酩酊大醉的场面、酒吧门前的皮条客以及轻佻的姑娘们。这部影片由于不符合纳粹德国的要求而被禁演,但它却进一 步巩固了汉堡红灯区传奇和邪恶场所的名声地位。
街边Bildunterschrift: Großansicht des Bildes mit der Bildunterschrift: 街边究 竟是传奇还是事实?其实在里泊街红灯区里,两者之间是没有严格区别的。事实的情况是:如今,红灯区已发生了天翻地覆的变化。一名游客表示:"我们觉得里泊 街已经不如过去,从前那里有意思多了。现在那儿已没有了昔日的气氛。可以说,现在那里有点儿像是建筑工地,没有从前那种味道了。"
上一世纪60年代,卖淫行业生意兴隆。一卷老录音带对当年红灯区的描述,听起来似乎是轻描淡写:“所谓‘号码’,意味着为客人提供的是那种服务是 吗?”门警说:“是的,为的是有别于日常生活的千篇一律。人们想经历些新鲜事物,开开眼界。多数客人希望姑娘能充分配合,例如上床睡觉,也许就在后面的雅 座上,有时还会专门打一瓶香槟酒。我们这儿一共雇有5位姑娘,两名黑人,三个白人姑娘。”主持人问道:“作为一名女性,您跳脱衣舞有什么样感觉呢?”舞女 说:“我能有什么样的感觉呢,开始的时候当然很困难,会有很多心理障碍。 老实说,现在有时也还有。当着陌生男人的面,脱得一丝不挂,滋味儿并不好受。从某种意义上来说,我干这行是为了尽快挣钱。”
墙上Bildunterschrift: Großansicht des Bildes mit der Bildunterschrift: 墙上马 丁多年来是红灯区的常客, 他其貌不扬,长着一个啤酒肚,可能因为妻子难以满足他的要求而到此寻花问柳。现在已经离婚的他表示,逛妓院的原因不仅因为从事卖淫业的妇女能够提供各种各 样的性服务,也因为她们随叫随到,根本无须浪费口舌。一位妓院老板指出,对妓院来说最重要的就是要为客户营造一种非常方便、实用的氛围。
然而,八十年代艾滋病的蔓延,使里泊街的繁华风貌逐渐退色,当夜间五光十色的灯火熄灭,白昼来临后,那种醉生梦死的愁苦、女人疲惫的面庞、酒味、尿 骚以及臭气熏天的垃圾,简直令人难以忍受。去年里泊街成为德国立法后的第一个枪支和武器禁区,警方希望该地区的治安能因此而获得改善。
作者:Ute Hempelmann / 祝红
