2019年4月19日 星期五

shutter, circuit breaker mechanism, Shutterstock Aztec Sun Stone



"Morality is a job for priests, not P.R. men."
TIM BELL, co-founder of the now shuttered British public relations firm Bell Pottinger, which was brought down by a campaign that inflamed racial tensions in South Africa in service of a wealthy client.

collective failure,
That we are in the midst of crisis is now well understood. Our nation is at war, against a far-reaching network of violence and hatred. Our economy is badly weakened, a consequence of greed and irresponsibility on the part of some, but also our collective failure to make hard choices and prepare the nation for a new age. Homes have been lost; jobs shed; businesses shuttered. Our health care is too costly; our schools fail too many; and each day brings further evidence that the ways we use energy strengthen our adversaries and threaten our planet.
現 在大家都知道我們正身處危機中。我國正與一網絡無遠弗屆的暴力和憎恨集團戰爭中。我們的經濟元氣大傷,這後果,既由於某些人貪婪而不負責任的作為,也是我們集體未能做出國家進入新時代的艱難選擇,未能做好準備所致。許多人子被查封; 丟了工作;生意垮了。我們的醫療照護制太昂貴;學校教育辜負了許多人;每天都有更多證據房顯示,我們利用能源的方式讓我們與自然和世界更形對敵,更威脅我們的地球生態。

'Many people ask, "What is the circuit breaker mechanism?"股市熔斷機制 Actually it’s like this: You bring Rmb3,000 to play mahjong, but you lose it all in half an hour. The game is paused for 15 minutes so you can pop downstairs to the ATM to withdraw another Rmb5,000.

China’s entire equity market was shuttered within half an hour of opening after falling 7 per cent on further currency weakness as government rescue efforts failed to deter the tide of sellers.
An employee at the Humboldt Patient Resource Center in Arcata, Calif.
Ramin Rahimian for The New York Times

Californians Balk at Marijuana Crackdown

Over eight months, federal officials have shuttered more than 500 dispensaries in the state, including law-abiding businesses, critics say. Above, a center in Arcata, Calif.

What is the Aztec Sun Stone? The Aztec Sun Stone is a sculpture representing the Aztec calendar. On December 17, 1790, in the course of making repairs on a cathedral in Mexico City's Zocalo, workmen uncovered the huge stone. It had been buried 250 years earlier when the Spaniards conquered Tenochtitlan, the ancient capital of the Aztec empire. Some 12 ft/3.6 m in diameter, and weighing some 24 metric tons, the stone was carved over a period of about 50 years during the fifteenth century. The images carved into the stone represent days, months and years as measured by the Aztecs. Today, it is housed in Mexico City's National Museum of Anthropology.
Aztec Sun Stone
Aztec Sun Stone

Monolito de la Piedra del Sol.jpg
Material Basalt
Discovered 17 December 1970 at El Zócalo, Mexico City
Present location National Museum of Anthropology, Mexico City

Sun Stone 詩集

 Wireless Carriers Chase Push-to-Talk Customers
Competition is heating up among wireless carriers seeking to grab push-to-talk customers as Sprint is in the final stages of shuttering the legacy Nextel network it bought for $35 billion in 2005.

(shŭt'ər) pronunciation
  1. One that shuts, as:
    1. A hinged cover or screen for a window, usually fitted with louvers.
    2. A mechanical device of a camera that controls the duration of a photographic exposure, as by opening and closing to allow light coming through the lens to expose a plate or film.
  2. shutters Music. The movable louvers on a pipe organ, controlled by pedals, that open and close the swell box.
tr.v., -tered, -ter·ing, -ters.
  1. To furnish or close with shutters: locked the doors and shuttered the windows.
  2. To cause to cease operations; close down: shuttered the store for the holiday.

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