2019年4月26日 星期五

foreign direct investment (FDI) , punch above one's weight, punch below one's weight

【慶祝國王節】投資挺台灣 荷蘭蟬聯最大FDI
[Celebrating King’s Day] The Netherlands Remains as Taiwan’s Biggest FDI
In the energy sector, Dutch marine engineering firms with state-of-the-art installation vessels and technology are engaged in Taiwan’s offshore wind farm projects. They are eager to continue introducing the latest vessels and technology to meet Taiwan’s ambitious energy transition goals.
荷蘭貿易暨投資辦事處今天舉行晚宴慶祝荷蘭「國王節」,荷蘭駐台代表紀維德(Guy Wittich)指出,荷蘭除了是台灣最大的外人直接投資者,在科技、農業、治水、綠能、文化、教育、循環經濟等領域,都有密切交流,期待雙方....

Chinese money is helping Greenland to reduce its reliance on Danish subsidies, thus boosting the pro-independence movement

For decades, Denmark used Greenland to punch above its weight
From the archive

The figures show Scarborough "is really punching above its weight"

America's German roots are rich and strong. From California to New York, 48m people claim German ancestry, which would make them the country's biggest diaspora. But when it comes to owning businesses in America, Germany has punched below its weight, with only 8% of the stock of foreign direct investment (FDI) there. This year, however, things have changed http://econ.st/ZwborV

Jump to Definition - foreign direct investment (FDI) is an investment in the form of a controlling ownership in a business in one country by an entity based in another country. It is thus distinguished from a foreign portfolio investment by a notion of direct control.

punch above one's weight

informal Engage in an activity or contest perceived as being beyond one’s abilities:there is something about the British that makes them punch above their weight in a number of entertainment industriesSingapore punches above its weight in the world economy.

punch below one's weight



An allusion to the sport of boxing.

Alternative forms[edit]


  1. (chiefly UK, idiomatic) To achieve or perform at a level lower than should be expected based on one's preparationattributesrank, or past accomplishments [quotations ▼]


