Like many undergrads, Angela Lorenz ’87 found her first campus job at the Sharpe Refectory. Twenty-eight years later, she’s back. This time she’s scooping gelato.
She and her husband, gelato maker Gianni Figliomeni, own a shop in Bologna, Italy, called Il Gelatauro, a play on the Italian word for “minotaur.” Though his confection is renowned in Italy, its stateside debut came on March 16 in the Ratty Bakeshop, where he and Lorenz gave a three-day series of master classes to a small group of students. (via Brown Alumni Magazine)
Pesky immigrants. They move to Britain, taking jobs, scrounging welfare benefits, straining health services, overrunning local schools and occupying state-subsidised housing. That, at least, is the story recounted by politicians from UKIP and, increasingly, by members of the Conservative Party. A new study by two economists tells a very different tale
Foraging in Hong Kong With a Danish Chef
The chef Mads Refslund tried his hand at searching for edible wild plants on one of Hong Kong’s outlying islands.
Urban foragers go dumpster diving in Amsterdam
Once upon a time you dressed so fine,
Threw the bums a dime in your prime, didn't you ?
People'd call, say, "Beware doll, you're bound to fall,"
You thought they were all a'kiddin' you.
You used to laugh about
Everybody that was hangin' out.
Now you don't talk so loud,
Now you don't seem so proud,
About having to be scrounging your next meal.
Nor should they add any drug or supplement to a prescribed regimen without first consulting a doctor. Even something as seemingly innocent as ibuprofen, acetaminophen, St. John's wort or an antihistamine purchased over the counter can sometimes lead to dangerous adverse reactions when combined with certain prescribed medications or pre-existing health problems.
St John's wort - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
St John's wort is the plant species Hypericum perforatum, and is also known as Tipton's weed, rosin rose, goatweed, chase-devil, or Klamath weed.
Line breaks: state|side
Pronunciation: /ˈsteɪtsʌɪd/
Definition of stateside in English:
adjective& adverb
informal , chiefly North Americanwort
- wə'ːrt
Italy's unique gelato university
It may not be the right time of year for ice cream, but if you're in Italy
it's worth trying some no matter whether it's sunny or not.
The DW-WORLD.DE Article
ge·la·to (jə-lä'tō, jĕ-)
n., pl., -ti (-tē).
An Italian ice cream or ice.
[Italian, from past participle of gelare, to freeze. See gelatin.]
- ge • la • ti
- 発音
- dʒəlɑ'ːti
[イタリア語gelatoの複数形-ti. △GELATION1]
v. Slang, scrounged, scroung·ing, scroung·es.
v. Slang, scrounged, scroung·ing, scroung·es.
- To obtain (something) by begging or borrowing with no intention of reparation: scrounged a few dollars off my brother.
- To obtain by salvaging or foraging; round up.
- To seek to obtain something by begging or borrowing with no intention of reparation: scrounge for a cigarette.
- To forage about in an effort to acquire something at no cost: scrounging around the kitchen for a late-night snack.
[Alteration of dialectal scrunge, to steal.]
scrounger scroung'er n.