2015年6月26日 星期五

decapitated, chick, run around like headless chickens,

One man decapitated and several hurt in suspected Islamist attack on factory near Lyon, French sources say

09.02. - Ami Barwell is the rock chick who takes rock pics

Ami Barwell is a London-based rock 'n' roll photographer who has been
working in the music industry for over 10 years.

The DW-WORLD Article


"This is a panic in the way of the fine 19th-century panics, where we all run around like headless chickens."
R. JEREMY GRANTHAM, chairman of a Boston investment firm.


    1. A young chicken.
    2. The young of any bird.
  1. A child.
  2. Slang. A girl or young woman.
[Middle English chike, variant of chiken, chicken. See chicken.]
IN BRIEF: Young bird especially of domestic fowl.

pronunciation The small yellow chick jumped out of my hands and tried to fly.
Tutor's tip: When the sheik (Arab leader, also spelled sheikh) referred to her as a chick (slang for a girl), the chic (elegant, stylish) young woman thought he had a lot of cheek (slang for arrogance).

    1. Formed without a head.
    2. Decapitated.
  1. Lacking a leader or director.
  2. Lacking intelligence and prudence; stupid or foolish.
headlessness head'less·ness n.
