2015年5月23日 星期六

cutlet, paillard, town and gown

In this episode, we travel Itoshima, Fukuoka Prefecture. Using only the local ingredients, You'll learn how to cook Sea Bream Rice and an original Harumi recipe, Pork Cutlet Paillard.在這一集裡,我們福岡縣糸島旅遊。僅使用當地食材,您將學習如何煮鯛魚飯和晴美原始配方,炸豬排PAILLARD。

Congratulations to our four students who received awards from the Wivenhoe Bursary Scheme this year.

The award goes to students who live in Wivenhoe and who have achieved outstanding academic performance, contributed to the village community and been involved in extra-curricular...

town 市民
[MASS NOUN] The permanent residents of a universitytown:rift between the city’s town and gownOften contrasted with gown. 學府

Definition of gown in English:


1A long elegant dress worn on formal occasions:silk ball gown

1.1dressing gown.

1.2protective garment worn in hospital, either by a staff member during surgery or by a patient.

1.3loose cloak indicating one’s profession or status,worn by a lawyerteacheracademic, or universitystudent.

1.4[MASS NOUN] The members of a university as distinct from the permanent residents of the university town.Often contrasted with town.

Paillard | Definition of paillard by Merriam-Webster

a piece of beef or veal usually pounded thin and grilled

Definition of cutlet in English:


1portion of meat, usually served grilled or fried and often covered in breadcrumbs:a pork cutlet
1.1British lamb or veal chop from just behind theneck:lamb cutlets
