What issue was a rare point of agreement for the us and ussr in the 1950s?
British colonialism
The problems with the Suez Canal (APEX)
point of agreement
- A flag, banner, or ensign, especially:
- The ensign of a chief of state, nation, or city.
- A long, tapering flag bearing heraldic devices distinctive of a person or corporation.
- An emblem or flag of an army, raised on a pole to indicate the rallying point in battle.
- The colors of a mounted or motorized military unit.
- An acknowledged measure of comparison for quantitative or qualitative value; a criterion.
- An object that under specified conditions defines, represents, or records the magnitude of a unit.
- The set proportion by weight of gold or silver to alloy metal prescribed for use in coinage.
- The commodity or commodities used to back a monetary system.
- Something, such as a practice or a product, that is widely recognized or employed, especially because of its excellence.
- A degree or level of requirement, excellence, or attainment.
- A requirement of moral conduct. Often used in the plural.
- Chiefly British. A grade level in elementary schools.
- A pedestal, stand, or base.
- Botany.
- The large upper petal of the flower of a pea or related plant.
- One of the narrow upright petals of an iris. Also called banner, vexillum.
- A shrub or small tree that through grafting or training has a single stem of limited height with a crown of leaves and flowers at its apex.
- Music. A composition that is continually used in repertoires.
- Serving as or conforming to a standard of measurement or value.
- Widely recognized or employed as a model of authority or excellence: a standard reference work.
- Acceptable but of less than top quality: a standard grade of beef.
- Normal, familiar, or usual: the standard excuse.
- Commonly used or supplied: standard car equipment.
- Linguistics. Conforming to established educated usage in speech or writing.
[Middle English, from Old French estandard, rallying place, probably from Frankish *standhard : *standan, to stand + *hard, fast, hard.]
standardly stan'dard·ly adv.
SYNONYMS standard, benchmark, criterion, gauge, measure, touchstone, yardstick. These nouns denote a point of reference against which individuals are compared and evaluated: a book that is a standard of literary excellence; a painting that is a benchmark of quality; criteria for hiring an excellent teacher; behavior that is a gauge of self-control; donations from the public, a measure of the importance of the arts; the program's success, a touchstone of cooperation in the community; farm failures, a yardstick of federal banking policy. See also synonyms at ideal.
━━ a. 標準[模範的]の; 一流の, 権威のある; 〔米〕 (肉が)スタンダードの ((selectまたはgoodの下)); 立木作りの.
standard electrode potential 【物・化】標準電極電位.
Standard Industrial Classification Number 【産業】標準産業分類番号, SICナンバー ((略 SIC Number)).
━━ vt. 標準に合せる; 規格化[統一]する.
stand・ard・i・za・tion n.
standard lamp 〔英〕 床上電気スタンド.
Standard Life Assurance スタンダード・ライフ・アシュアラナス ((英国の生命保険会社)).
standard mileage rate 〔米〕 【税】業務旅行控除基準率 ((米国の内国歳入庁が設定する業務旅行に関するマイル単位の税金控除率)).
standard model 【物】標準模型 ((素粒子の相互作用理論)).
standard of living 生活水準.
standard rate 〔英〕 【税】標準税率.
standards department 【経営】標準管理部[局].
standard solution 【化】標準(溶)液.
standard state 【物】(物質の)標準状態.
standard time 標準時.
standard wage rate 【経営】標準賃金率.
stand・ard・i・za・tion n.
2009-10-03 16:12:00
已有182年歷史的倫敦老牌報章《標準晚報》(Evening Standard),不敵免費報紙的競爭,銷量急跌,其俄羅斯老闆為了在艱難經營環境下提高發行量,以增加廣告收入,決定自本月12日起改為免費派發。 《標準晚報》8個月前由俄國富豪列別杰夫(Alexander Lebedev)收購,過去3年來一直受到免費報章挑戰,銷量由5年前的每天45萬分,急跌至現時的每日僅11萬6192分,每年虧損1500萬英鎊。銷 量急跌導致列別杰夫決定把報章改為免費派發,希望吸引廣告商,把廣告收入增加四成,而每日發行量將由目前的25萬分增至60萬分。事緣傳統報紙的收益是依 靠廣告和發行兩大因素,發行量愈大,報紙吸附廣告的能力也就愈強,廣告的收入就會隨之增加。列別杰夫說,《標準晚報》改為免費報,不會涉及裁減新聞工作人 員,並會繼續為讀者提供高質責的新聞報道。英國倫敦具有182年歷史的《旗幟晚報》易手給俄羅斯富商後,將於下周一(5日)以免費報紙形式發行,確保這份四面楚歌的報紙得以生存。 屆時,《旗幟晚報》共印刷60萬份,在倫敦各地鐵和火車站免費派發。 《每日郵報》和General Trust再不願意向《旗幟 ...