2015年5月22日 星期五

adhere, in violation of decency laws, barred from travelling abroad

Will voters in the Republic of Ireland make their country the first in the world to legalise same-sex marriage by popular ballot tomorrow? The island has long been regarded as western Europe's last bastion of traditional religious power. But opinion polls suggest that among voters who have made up their minds, a clear majority (around 70%) will say "yes" in the referendum, ignoring the advice of the leadership of the Catholic church to which about 84% of the country, at least formally, adheres http://econ.st/1Fqh4n9

ACROSS the island of Ireland, long regarded as western Europe's last bastion of traditional religous power, a huge change is underway in the way issues of personal...

Sudan has barred Lubna Hussein, a woman who faces 40 lashes for wearing trousers in violation of decency laws, from travelling abroad.

Hussein was arrested at a party in July and, with 12 other women, charged with being indecently dressed. A former reporter, Hussein has publicised her case, posing in loose trousers for photos and calling journalists to support her.

adhere Line breaks: ad¦here
Pronunciation: /ədˈhɪə/ 

Definition of adhere in English:


[NO OBJECT] (adhere to)
1Stick fast to (a surface or substance):paint won’t adhere well to a greasy surface
2Believe in and follow the practices of:I do not adhere to any organized religion
2.1Closely follow, observe, or represent:the account adhered firmly to fact


Late 15th century: from Latin adhaerere, from ad- 'to' +haerere 'to stick'.

decency law
Decency is an individual's adherence to social standards of appropriate speech and conduct.
Standards of decency vary greatly depending on the cultural context. Most nations have laws against indecency which regulate certain sexual acts, and restrict one's ability to display certain parts of the body in public (see indecent exposure).
