2015年5月20日 星期三

Bloody,Bollock, Piss, Sod -- WATCH: How to Swear Like a Brit


WATCH: How to Swear Like a Brit

Anglophenia host Kate Arnell. (Photo: Ral Gilmour)
Anglophenia host Kate Arnell. (Photo: Ral Gilmour)
Swearing ranks up there with taking tea and discussing the weather as a British pastime. If you’re uninitiated in the colorful world of British swearing, Anglophenia’s Kate Arnelloffers you a master class in the latest episode of our YouTube series. Don’t worry: we won’t turn the air blue with the naughtier terms, but here’s a good start if you want to slide in a “bloody hell” or two into your daily conversation:

bollockLine breaks: bol|lock
Pronunciation: /ˈbɒlək/ 
(also ballock)

Definition of bollock in English:


[WITH OBJECT] British vulgar slang
Reprimand (someone) severely.
