Our #RebelsInTheRain are enjoying the festival vibes today! Who's grateful for our ponchos and loving the whistles right now?#BigWeekend
Relishing the Waves, Not the Crowds, in Mexico
Todos Santos draws travelers who enjoy browsing fine art, surfing the breaks and taking in the vibe of an older, more traditional Mexico.
Clive James: By the Book
The novelist, critic, poet and author, most recently, of a new translation of Dante's "Divine Comedy" relishes his defense of Philip Larkin: "Spraying cold water on a witch hunt is one of the duties that a critic should be ready to perform."
Definition of poncho in English:
noun ( plural ponchos)
Early 18th century: from South American Spanish, fromAraucanian.
n. Slang
A vibration. Often used in the plural: a nostalgic vibe to the decor; a stranger who gave off bad vibes.
[Short for VIBRATION.]
Pinter summed up his career in a 1995 interview: "Quite simply, my writing life has been one of relish, challenge, excitement."
To relish a love song, like a robin red-breast
To relish a love song, like a robin red-breast. 莎士比亞
relish 唱
Two Gentlemen of Verona - Act 2, Scene 1 by William Shakespeare
-learned, like Sir Proteus, to wreathe your arms, like a malecontent; to relish a love-song, like a robin-redbreast; to walk alone, like one that had ...Definition of vibe in English:
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- An appetite for something; a strong appreciation or liking: a relish for luxury.
- Hearty enjoyment; zest. See synonyms at zest.
- Something that lends pleasure or zest.
- A spicy or savory condiment or appetizer, such as chutney or olives.
- A condiment of chopped sweet pickle.
- The flavor of a food, especially when appetizing. See synonyms at taste.
- A trace or suggestion of a pleasurable quality.
v., -ished, -ish·ing, -ish·es. v.tr.
- To take keen or zestful pleasure in.
- To enjoy the flavor of.
- To give spice or flavor to.
To have a pleasing or distinctive taste.
[Alteration of Middle English reles, taste, from Old French, something remaining, from relaissier, to leave behind. See release.]
2 [U]((主に否定文で))(…に対する)強い好み, 嗜好(しこう), 愛好((for ...))
I don't have [hold] much relish for such types.
3 (食欲を促す)風味, 美味, 薬味, 調味料, 前菜, オードブル.
4 おもしろみ, 興趣
Humor gives relish to this story.
5 (…の)気味;少量((of ...)).
1 …を楽しむ, 享受する, 〈…するのを〉好む((doing)).
2 〈食べ物を〉おいしく食べる, 賞味する;〈食べ物が〉気に入る;((まれ))…に味つけをする.
1 (…の)味がする, 風味がある;気味がある((of ...)).
2 楽しく[心地よく]なる.relish was found in the Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary at the entries listed below.
relish (ENJOY) Show phonetics
1 to like or enjoy something:
I always relish a challenge.
[+ ing form of verb] I don't relish telling her that her son has been arrested.
2 If you relish the idea or thought of something, you feel pleasure that it is going to happen:
She's relishing the prospect of studying in Bologna for six months.
relish Show phonetics
the enjoyment you get from doing something:
She ate her cake slowly and with relish.
I have no relish for hunting and killing animals.relish (SAUCE) Show phonetics
noun [C or U]
a type of sauce which is eaten with food to add flavour to it:
tomato and onion relish
Would you like relish on your burger? ━━ n. 味, 風味, 香り; 美味; 面白味; 趣味, 嗜好(しこう), 強い好み ((for)); 調味料, 薬味, (ピクルスなどの)つけ合せ; 気味, 少量 ((of)).
━━ vt. 味わう; 好む, 楽しむ ((doing)); 味をつける.
━━ vi. 味[風味]がある ((of)); 気味がある ((of)).
其中最有名的是 動詞當 sing/warble
The Rape of Lucrece
'You mocking birds,' quoth she, 'your tunes entomb Within your ... A woeful hostess brooks not merry guests: Relish your nimble notes to pleasing ears;Distress likes dumps when time is kept with tears". The by play of the musicians in Romeo and Juliet not only ...Two Gentlemen of Verona
Marry, by these special marks: first, you haveVALENTINE
learned, like Sir Proteus, to wreathe your arms,
like a malecontent; to relish a love-song, like a
robin-redbreast; to walk alone, like one that had
the pestilence; to sigh, like a school-boy that had
lost his A B C; to weep, like a young wench that had
buried her grandam; to fast, like one that takes
diet; to watch like one that fears robbing; to
speak puling, like a beggar at Hallowmas. You were
wont, when you laughed, to crow like a cock; when you
walked, to walk like one of the lions; when you
fasted, it was presently after dinner; when you
looked sadly, it was for want of money: and now you
are metamorphosed with a mistress, that, when I look
on you, I can hardly think you my master.