2021年2月4日 星期四

cause (v), utterance, quinsy, tonsil扁桃體, he emerged cancer-free.cause and effect, ‘cause which cannot be sung of is not worth following’

“Thank you for saving my life."
Tomas Dahl (pictured left) was diagnosed with tonsil cancer and told there was no cure. But after trying the cancer therapy pioneered by 2018 Medicine Laureates James Allison and Tasuku Honjo (centre and right), he emerged cancer-free.

The William Morris Society
From our museum Collection: Morris wrote songs too... Chants for Socialists written by William Morris in 1892. These chants were designed to be sung to well known refrains at socialist movement meetings, entertainment & on socialist group outings. Morris said a ‘cause which cannot be sung of is not worth following’

The author of the Essays was now fifty-five. The malady which tormented him grew only worse and worse with years; and yet he occupied himself continually with reading, meditating, and composition. He employed the years 1589, 1590, and 1591 in making fresh additions to his book; and even in the approaches of old age he might fairly anticipate many happy hours, when he was attacked by quinsy, depriving him of the power utterance. Pasquier, who has left us some details his last hours, narrates that he remained three days in full possession of his faculties, but unable to speak, so that, in order to make known his desires, he was obliged to resort to writing; and as he felt his end drawing near, he begged his wife to summon certain of the gentlemen who lived in the neighbourhood to bid them a last farewell. When they had arrived, he caused mass to be celebrated in apartment; and just as the priest was elevating the host, Montaigne fell forward with his arms extended in front of him, on the bed, and so expired. He was in his sixtieth year. It was the 13th September 1592.

  • 発音記号[ʌ'tərəns]

1 [U]口から発すること, 発声, 発言;口に出すこと
give utterance to one's misery
2 ((単数形のみ))話し方, 言い方;発音;((文))話す能力.
3 口から発せられたこと, 話された言葉, 言辞, 説;意見;叫び, 動物の鳴き声;発せられた音
one's public utterances
4 《言語学》発話.
  • [kwinzíː]

[名][U]《病理学》化膿(かのう)性扁桃腺(へんとうせん)炎, 扁桃膿瘍(のうよう).

tonsil 扁桃體

As Self-Immolations Near 100, Tibetans Question the Effect

NEW DELHI — A quiet debate is under way among Tibetans anguished over the deaths of young men in gruesome acts of protest against Chinese rule.


  • 発音記号[kɔ'ːz]

1 [U][C]原因となる人[物];(…の)原因, もと, 種((for, of ...))
cause and effect
原因と結果, 因果
the cause of death
the First Cause
造物主, 神.
2 [U](行動・感情の)理由, 根拠, 動機, わけ(reason);(…の)正当な[もっともな]理由((for ..., to do, that節)). ▼cause whyとするのは一般に((非標準))
without (good) cause
have good cause to do so
be criticized for good cause
give a person cause for concern
3 (社会的な)理想, (…の)目的, 大義, 目標;主義, 主張, 信条;運動;福利, 福祉((of ...))
infor] a common cause
in the cause of justice
forin] a good cause [=for good causes]
Tom Paine worked for the American cause.
Give to a good cause.
4 [U][C]《法律》訴訟(事件), 訴訟の原因[理由]
a cause of action
a cause list
plead one's [a person's] cause
show cause
5 議論の主題, 論点.
6 《哲学》原因.
make common cause with ...
1III[名]]〈事故などの〉原因[もと]となる;[cause A B/cause B to [for] A]〈A(人)にB(事)を〉もたらす, 引き起こす, 生じさせる
Speeding causes accidents.
Please don't cause me any trouble.
2V[名]to do]〈人・物に〉…させる. ▼意図的でない因果関係を示す
The traffic jam caused him to be late. [=The traffic jam caused his being late. ]
