"The ambulance service is finite. We have limited resources and we can only send as many crews as we have. Remarkably, when the service fails to hit the targets set by government, it is fined. The government literally takes back the money it gave us, and then expects us to hit its targets with even less than we failed with before."
In his review in the San Francisco Chronicle in 1999, film critic Edward Guthmann praised the film, writing:
Wal-Mart Case Is a Blow for Big Cases and Their Lawyers
With the dismissal of a lawsuit brought on behalf of 1.5 million women who worked at Wal-Mart, the Supreme Court tightened the rules for how a large group of individuals can join together to sue.
Account Tells of One-Sided Battle in Bin Laden Raid
By MARK LANDLER and MARK MAZZETTI The new details suggested that more than 20 Navy Seals quickly dispatched the handful of men protecting Osama Bin Laden, with only his trusted courier firing on U.S. forces.
Navy SEALs
SEAL stands for Sea, Air, Land, and the SEALs are the U.S. Navy's most acclaimed special ops unit. They operate mainly in 16-man groups and are capable of conducting top-secret ground- and water-based missions. Larger teams are often divided into "cells" to work at evasion and recovery, force protection, sniper duties, and so forth.
Read more: http://www.answers.com/topic/navy-seals#ixzz1LSyqtPvj
Similarly, the first names of characters in the book are mentioned over and over in a mostannoying fashion.
In addition, some of the most interesting recent findings and controversies are either not mentioned or are given short shrift.
- Favoring one side or group; partial or biased: a one-sided view.
- Characterized by the domination of one competitor over another: a one-sided basketball game.
- Larger or more developed on one side: a one-sided pattern.
- Existing or occurring on one side only.
one-sidedness one'-sid'ed·ness n.
tr.v., -patched, also -patched, -patch·ing, -patch·ing, -patch·es, -patch·es.
tr.v., -patched, also -patched, -patch·ing, -patch·ing, -patch·es, -patch·es.
- To relegate to a specific destination or send on specific business. See synonyms at send1.
- To complete, transact, or dispose of promptly.
- To eat up (food); finish off (a dish or meal).
- To put to death summarily.
- The act of sending off, as to a specific destination.
- Dismissal or rejection of something regarded as unimportant or unworthy of consideration: "[his] breezy dispatch of another Establishment fiction writer" (Christopher Hitchens).
- The act of putting to death.
- Speed in performance or movement. See synonyms at haste.
- (also dĭs'păch')
- A written message, particularly an official communication, sent with speed.
- An important message sent by a diplomat or an officer in the armed forces.
- (also dĭs'păch') A news item sent to a news organization, as by a correspondent.
- An organization or conveyance for delivering goods.
[Spanish despachar or Italian dispacciare, both probably ultimately from Old Provençal empachar, to impede, from Vulgar Latin*impāctāre, frequentative of Latin impingere, to dash against. See impinge.]
- ispǽt
1 ((形式))[III[名] ([副] )]〈使者・軍隊などを〉(…に)急派[派遣]する;〈手紙などを〉(…に)急送[発送]する((to ...))
dispatch the Foreign Minister to the UN General Assembly
2 ((古風))〈面会人などを〉さっさと送り出す;((略式))〈仕事を〉手ぎわよくかたづける;〈食事を〉手早く済ませる
dispatch a salesman
3 ((古風))〈人・動物を〉(とどめを刺して)殺す, かたづける
dispatch a wounded deer
1 [U] (使者などの)派遣, 特派, (手紙などの)発送, 投函(かん).
2 [U] [C] (人の)殺害, 死刑執行.
3 [U] ((形式))すばやい処理;迅速さ
act with great dispatch
4 速達便;(軍事・外交などに関する)急送公文書;(新聞記者の)特電;《商業》急行運送;急行運送会社
an AP dispatch from Tokyo
be mentioned in dispatches