2015年3月22日 星期日

clotted cream, ice cream sandwich (code name)

Did Google Just Invite Us to the Ice Cream Sandwich Launch?

PC Magazine
By Damon Poeter We may just have a date to get a taste of Ice Cream Sandwich, otherwise known as the next version of Google's Android mobile operating system. While not officially confirmed, it's likely that Android 4.0 will be released in the next ...


600 × 400 - [QUOTE=comradestalin86]Ice Cream Sandwiches[/QUOTE] the best thing to ever come to ...

clotted creamLine breaks: clot|ted cream

Definition of clotted cream in English:


[MASS NOUN] chiefly British
Thick cream obtained by heating milk slowly and thenallowing it to cool while the cream content rises to the top in coagulated lumps:[AS MODIFIER]: they serve clotted cream teas
